Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

Artemis had started to wonder if Regan had been trying to lure her into a trap. They had been walking for what seemed like an hour. But maybe it only seemed that way because she was exhausted. The cold night air seemed to exhance her tiredness but she kept walking beside Regan, who excitedly asked about Wally and how he was, what was he doing, why couldn't he come, did he tell her about his time here.. Artemis felt a little over worked trying to answer these questions before Regan changed her mind and asked about something else. Artemis hadn't gotten round to telling her why she had come and what had happened to Wally. But it seemed from the girls excitement and joy that she had no idea of his death.

Finally, Regan stopped and turned up a small gravel drive. Artemis couldn't see the house properly in the dark but she could just about make out that it was a bungalow.

Regan searched her dress pockets and produced a key. After unlocking the front door Regan went on ahead inside leaving Artemis in the cold dark.

"Come on in" She heard Regan call from inside the house just as an outside light turned on beside the door, nearly blinding her as her eyes tried to adjust from the change of dark to light.

With her bags, she dragged herself into the house. Artemis noticed how small the house was from the inside. There was a short hallway that had four doors. The one at the end of the short hallway was open and exposed tiled floors and a fridge.

"Would ya have a cup of tea?" Regan's voice drifted towards Artemis from the kitchen.

"No thanks" She called back as she examined the rest of the hallway. It was empty except for a small table by the front door with a phone book and an old telephone resting there.

On the wall by the door were small hooks for keys. Beside the small hooks there were bigger hooks for coats. Regan had three hanging up.

"Are ya sure?" Regan asked as she suddenly stood in the kitchen door way. "It'll help ya sleep"

"Alright then. I suppose I could have one"

Regan smiled and nodded. "Good.. and a biscuit"

Regan walked down the hall and opened the door closest to the front door. Turning on a light, the dark room was then bathed in light from an energy saver blub.

"Come on" Regan said as she opened the door wider and walked through.

Artemis followed her into a small sitting room with only an old television, a small book case with shelfs bursting with books and a small olive green sofa. There was another door in the corner of the room beside a small fireplace. At the very end of the sitting room was a window that looked out onto the dark front garden.

Regan walked up to the door in the sitting room and turned on another light before moving on to the window and drawing the curtains.

"That's the guest bedroom. You can stay there for the rest of your stay" she said as she fixed the curtains.

Artemis walked towards the room and peeked inside. The room had a lavender and cream theme. The walls were a soft lavender with a soft cream rug. The curtains were cream and made from a lacy material, as where the bed sheets. The bed was a single bed with a small beside locker beside it. There was a small dresser with a mirror on top.

"Sorry I would have fixed up the room if I had known you were coming" Regan apologized as Artemis walked into the room.

It even smelled like lavender.

"No this is perfect. Thank you. I don't plan on staying long anyway"

Regan smiled at the door way and nodded.

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