Chapter Five

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Chapter Five.

When Artemis woke up she was as stiff as a board. For a second she had forgotten where she was in the dimmly lit room. But like every morning the memories returned, fresh in her mind as always. She felt she would never escape the heavy feeling in her stomach or the hole in her chest. She always found it hard to breath and to fight off the tears of those memories but she would have to. She wasn't at home, she couldn't stay in a strangers bed all her life. She regretted coming to Regan's home now. She wanted to go back home and lay back in her own bed and pretend everything was okay. But she couldn't.

The sounds of laughter and chatter slowly drifted through the door. She listened for a second, trying to figure out how many people where in the house now. She heard Regan saying something but her voice was muffled, then there was more muffled laughter. Artemis pulled back the bed sheets and got out of bed. She made the bed before dumping one of her bags on the bed. She emptied out her mismatched clothes and looked for something to wear. She wasn't too bothered by what she looked like. She just wanted something to wear that wasn't her pjs.

She pulled on a pair of jeans and a black turtle neck jumper. She opened the curtains in the room to let the sunshine in. The room lit up as soon as she pulled away the curtains. She looked outside of the window and was surprised by how peaceful everything looked. There was a long gravel drive with a mass of fields surronding the edges. There were fields stretched out as far as she could see. There was cattle across the road from Regan's house grazing on the wet morning grass.

She took her hairbrush and brushed through her greasy knotty hair. Once she was through all her knots she tied it up high in a ponytail and listened to the voices outside the door. They were less muffled now as she neared the door.

"Ah bless her" someone was saying. "She came all this way for ya Reggie"

"Ah now Terry" Regan was saying. "She reminds me of what I was like when Henry died. She's goin' through a rough time"

"Is she as good lookin' as she was in them photos?" A male asked.

There was a sound of flesh hitting agaisnt flesh and a slight "oof"

"Hey now!" The male said. "There's no need for that. I was only jokin' Terry"

"Shame on ya" the same female voice said again. "The poor girls after loosin' her fella and yer here tryin' to get with her"

"I'll do nothin' of the sort"

"Yer damned right ya wont" Another male said before he laughed.

Artemis took hold of the handle and took a deep breath. She needed to meet these people. They knew about Wally. Where they just like Regan? Did they fight in this "War"?

She opened the door and walked into the room. The fire was lit and the room was warm and toasty. Regan sat on her olive green couch next to the same dark haired young man from last night. She remembered his name was Jason. A blonde young man around her age sat next to Jason. His eyes were the colour of Sapphires. A young blonde girl, looking a lot like the blonde man was stood at the doorway of the sitting room. Her sapphire eyes looked up Artemis just as Artemis did to her. She sensed an air of athority from the girl, like she was higher than everyone else in the room. She didn't look snobby or snuck up to Artemis. She looked very beautiful though. Like a fallen angle. So did the young blonde man and Jason. They all shared the same eyes.

"Artemis!" Regan said as she sat up. "You're finally up. Ya hungry? I was just goin' to make somethin' to eat when these three came knockin'"

The young blonde girl smiled at Artemis before looking towards the young blonde man. They exchanged a look of something Artemis didn't understand.

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