[ Inspiring Chapter Name #2 ]

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Beyond eyes of black beads that shine in the moonlight, was a teenaged rebel who stalked the nights as a hot and badass vigilante with his side kick in red. The kid with thousands of sick tattoos, was none other than the daydreaming kid in the back of the class. Drooling on his notebook filled with small turtle doodles. And now, he was being smacked on the head with it from his history teacher. His head shot up quickly and the entire class laughed as he let out an accidental snort.

"What time period did humans eat mummies, why did they do this, and what did it cause? If you can answer at least one of those for me right now on the spot I will give you an A+ for the year." Mrs. Diane asked, looking at the drawings on the notebook and over to Casey.

"Uhm.. the.. ehm.. late 1800's?? And uh.. because they tasted good, and it caused.. the mummies.. to be uh.. eaten?" Jones stuttered, snatching back him notebook before the teacher looked at the drawings he made of April. The teacher, in response to the answers he had given, looked flabbergasted.

"Actually, it was in the 1200's also known as the 12th century. People believed mummies sacred bodies or leftover blood would cure them of any sickness or give them some sort of healing property. Because people in the past would raid tombs and steal the corpses, we can't find as many mummies now today when we find those tombs." O'Neil chimed in, turning her back halfway to meet eyes with Casey. He gave her a shy smile and waved slightly with his head drooping low. She gave a small smile and wave back, alongside an extra chuckle.

Gosh she was smart.

She was independent, relied on nobody, fought like a badass, looked like an angel, she was perfect, had daddy issues like him, and was motherless too! She absolutely slayed every outfit she wore and excelled at every sport they'd play. Only issue to this, was the purple goblin she hangs out with. Casey liked the red goblin, but the purple ones are always feral. Always trying to bite him! Might as well call Donnie a vampire from now on. It pissed him off how badly Donatello showed an interest in the strangely brave female character.

Soon, the bell rang and Casey was already running towards the door.

"Jones," the teacher announced, and he froze in place as everyone left. April winked at him, as a sign of "good luck". Made his heart race, only to sink when he heard the teachers voice again. "Come here."

"Yes Mrs.Diane?" He asked, walking over to the desk.

"This is the fourth time you've slept in class this week. I know you don't like me calling your father, given the circumstances of home right now for you, but if you don't get this fixed soon I will have to start calling again." She began, Casey already felt a yawn escape. Same lecture every day.

"Sorry miss, I'll try harder next time!" Casey let out with a chuckle, sliding his hands in his pockets as he headed towards the door once more.

"That next time will be the last time. I can excuse sleeping in class if you had good grades. Either you pay attention in my class, study, or face the punishments that every other student has."

"I can promise ya I won't fall asleep again in your class and get caught!" He giggled, walking out.

This didn't bother him, did it? He was left pacing around a rooftop with his hands in his jean pockets, thumbs hanging out as his elbows drooped backwards and shoulders forwards with his head pointed at the ground. His mask was hanging around his neck, and he had perhaps.. possibly, maybe.. slightly.. provoked another fight at school and so now he heroically was covered in bandages all over his bruised and scratched skin. At this point he'd assume his skull was harder than Minecraft bedrock!


When did waiting for Raph take so looong?? He wanted to be a badass and he wanted to be one now, not later. He'd be a drama queen if necessary.

Casey stopped in his place at the edge of the roof and leaned over it, staring at the dimly lit lights and parked cars below. He had surprisingly good balance during the strong winds of that chilly night.

Soon came a green figure pushing him violently on the ground, rubbing his fist on Casey's cheeks gently yet still somehow rough both at once.

"Raph, nice of you to show up!" Casey laughed, rolling over and pushing him off to see Donnie standing there above them. "And him.?"

"Leo suggested this, I had no fucking say in it." Donatello replied harshly, crossing his arms and spinning his head away, trying not to look at the idiot standing before him.

"What?" Jones gaze shifted over to Raph as they helped each other up.

"Everyone got tired of the constant war between the two of you so now each time me and you have our 'expeditions through the city streets' we're require to spend 'quality time' with him til the two of you aren't holding a knife others throats for a simple glance." Raphael explained simply, wrapping one arm around Dee's shoulder.

"So why are you here if they want me and him to get along?"

"I'm here to keep the peace." Raph responded, a smile lightening up on his face.

"That wont last long." The purple turtle and hockey boy said in unison, Raph just nodded in agreement.

(Sorry for the very short chapter I'm too exhausted to write more to this right now and I keep rushing everything by instinct lol)
969 words ☠️

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