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Once inside her ship and sure everyone had left, Vixen cracked her neck. "Poor mech, I almost feel bad for him." She smirked and dialed Megatron's line, patiently awaiting his face to pop on her screen. It had been a day of laying low and she was growing slightly impatient of waiting. 

Instead of Megatron, the strange mech from her dream appeared on the screen. Was this some kind of premonition? They both were quiet for a moment, observing each other through the screen. "You--. I've seen you somewhere before." Vixen spoke to the con with a confused faceplate. "I believe I had too, you look quite familiar." His faceplates spun and changed to a black face with red optics and a carved red mouth. It seemed he was a triple changer. "Maybe in my dreams, sweetspark." He cackled. His face spun back around to his calmer, blue faced counterpart. "We will talk of this later, in person. Firstly, Megatron requests your presence in the next few solar cycles. Do not make it obvious, we are sending you the coordinates now." Once they were uploaded to her hard drive, Vixen nodded. 

"Seems I'll see you later then." The mech nodded, attempting to sign off before his wilder face spun to speak to her one last time. "Don't keep me waiting schatz!" The long day of acting took a toll on her, so the powering down for a deep recharge came easy to her. The next day it would be the same thing, more getting to wear down the weakest link and infiltrate the base. 

Vixen laid down, falling into another recharge. 

He was there, again. She was battling against the Autobots, the look of anger and hurt evident in their optics as she clearly betrayed them. "I can't believe we trusted you. That I trusted you!" Bulkhead shouted, swinging his wrecking ball into her midsection so hard she could feel herself crumple in two. Energon leaked out of the corners of her mouth. 

"Nein, Vixen!(no, Vixen!)" Blitzwing screamed, rushing to her side as she hacked up more energon. Bulkhead no doubt did extreme damage to her internal hardware. Vixen could only shake, the pain becoming unbearable as the noise around her began to fade into jumbled background noise. Another large decepticon charged the other Autobots as Blitzwing's arms circled around Vixen. The red faced mech looked scared as he examined her. "It's ok, keep your optics open, let's get you out of here." 

Vixen jumped up from her recharge, panting and gripping the area in her dream that was concaved in. It felt so real, too real. Was it Deja vu, or simply a nightmare? Blinking rapidly, the femme stretched and went to down her energon for the day, waiting for the green mech who would undoubtedly come knocking at her door. 

Using her spy-ware, the femme locked on the coordinates to the Decepticon base, Vixen for an odd reason felt . . . excited to potentially see the mech that was haunting her dreams. As if on cue, there was a rapid knocking at the ship's port. Opening the door, Vixen gave a polite smile to the young girl and Bulkhead who was standing shyly behind her. "Morning Vixen, Optimus said he wanted you back at the base, to keep an eye on you, or whatever. But we thought we'd come and get you!" 

Of course, Optimus was wise for being so weary to trust her, she was an assassin, not that he knew of. "If that's what he wants, who am I to tell him no? Morning big guy, how are you?" Vixen asked Bulkhead politely, who in turn, bashfully rubbed the back of his helm. "Oh, it was fine. I didn't recharge to well heh." 

Bulkhead was unable to sleep, thinking about whenever Vixen had given him physical affection that almost made his jaw fall on the ground. He now just wanted to have quality time with her, maybe go on a nice drive around the base. 

"Well, after you, I don't remember the way to the base anyway." Without another word, Bulkhead transformed and was ready to show her the way. Vixen did as well, and Sari paused, shuffling her feet. "Want a ride, kid?" She asked, opening her door once more. With Sari strapped in, they now returned to Autobot HQ. 

Vixen now attempted to remember the way to the base from her ship, just in case Megatron would need that information for later on. Thinking of Megatron, her thoughts lingered to the beige and purple mech, her cooling fans now kicking in on the drive. Why did this stranger have such a hold over her? 

Finally arriving, the femme changed back to her bi-pedal form, greeting the Autobots. Optimus was the first to approach, looking rather unamused. "Vixen, I'd like to speak with you." The orange femme nodded, walking towards the mech. Optimus glanced over to the others. ". . . alone." He could see Bulkhead shimmy closer, obviously wanting to have her nearby. 

Vixen felt adrenaline begin to rush, knowing it could go bad very, very quickly for her. She was a talented assassin, but there was one of her, and five of them. Vixen did not have the height and build of most Decepticons, meaning she could potentially be overpowered. "Very well, what can I help you with Optimus?" She asked as they finally were in the secluded corridor. The Prime relaxed a bit, sighing slightly. "I received a notice from Sentinel Prime that a bot matching your appearance had 'beaten him and left him for scrap metal' at a Rig. I do not want to jump to conclusions, but with the Elite Guard frequenting this quadrant, I need to know if I need to defend or detain you. Bulkhead has taken a liking to you, as well as Sari." 

Out of all the things Optimus could have said, this took her back slightly. "Oh, Optimus I can tell you exactly what happened." The femme began telling him of Sentinel's rude approach, him trying to pay her for lewd services, and how things escalated. Vixen admitted to leaving him stranded at a sketchy rig on Cybertron, but it was for her own safety, you see. Optimus smirked, then wiped the amusement off of his faceplates. "Ah, Sentinel never does seem to change." Vixen arched an optic ridge. "Oh, you know him personally?" "Unfortunately," Optimus replied, then spoke again. "That was my only question, so if the Magnus wanted to know if I was harboring a 'fugitive' what was truly going on. Sorry you had to deal with him." Vixen shrugged, simply saying she had dealt with worse. 

Returning to the main room, the femme was greeted eagerly by Bulkhead and Sari. Bumblebee also perked up from the couch. "Vixen! Come play this game with us!" The femme obliged, sitting down to learn the controls. Her servos were a bit too big to play, unlike the smaller yellow bot.

"Vixen, how was your date with Bulkhead?" Bumblebee asked, clearly trying to embarrass his friend. Vixen could see Bulkhead tense up, worried about her answer. "It was a very nice time, Bulkhead is very considerate." The femme replied, watching as her character began to gain the upper hand on Bumblebee's.

In the back of her processor, her thoughts were clouded with ideas of that three-faced mech. It was official, she had decided, she would see him tonight. 

Hours passed of idle chat, although it bored Vixen to no end, she had to gain their trust. So far, it seemed as though the child, Bulkhead and Bumblebee found her friendly. Optimus more than likely tolerated her, the other two were aloof and untrusting, she could sense it. 

Vixen became restless on the concrete sofa, now standing and yawning. "Friends if you don't mind, I'd like to go and recharge. Tomorrow, I begin the repair of my ship and I'll need all my energy." Bulkhead perked up. "I can drive you back, if you'd like." Vixen smiled, raising her servo gently. "I appreciate it, but I am fine driving alone. I'd like to just enjoy the peaceful drive back." The mech's shoulders slumped. "Oh, uh, that's fine! See you soon, Vixen." The femme waved, transforming and heading out. 

She sped eagerly to her ship, knowing Bulkhead or someone would undoubtedly follow her home to see if she was telling the truth. She would wait for 2 hours, then head to the base. Her spark thrummed with excitement, knowing that their meeting was growing ever-closer. 

//vixen is such a 2-faced biatch, perf for our 3-faced crazo <3, also i will be drawing their holoforms and posting because whenever i reference their holoforms in chapters after, i want y'all to see what i see! 

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