black widow

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Within a few stellar cycles, the femme was in a small ship hurling towards this planet called Earth. It was organic, she had only been to another organic planet, but it only had greenery, no organic species. She was in stasis for the ride, her ship jumped using a barely intact spacebridge. 

It woke her up when she was in the planet's orbit. The femme punched in the coordinates and began her descent. Once the ground came into view, her ship was given a red alert. An electromagnetic pulse had thrown her ship off course and rendered it powerless, now hurling in the middle of civilization. She might be neutral but didn't want to cause mass destruction. She's an assassin, not a monster. 


Optimus was watching the screen whenever the base had erupted into lights and sirens. Literally, Fanzone called about another alien spaceship. Odd, because the Elite Guard had just left. Pinpointing the location, he saw the ship was headed for the heart of Detroit. If it continued on its path, it would destroy nearly half the city! "Autobots, transform and roll out, we have to stop that ship!" 

All the autobots were on the way, Ratchet was their main assistance, using his electromagnetic abilities to at least keep the ship from nose-diving.

"Bumblebee, Prowl, evacuate the edge of the city near the water! Bulkhead, get ready to use the wrecking ball to launch the ship to one of the lakes! I'll try to communicate with whoever is inside!" 

Vixen was attempting to turn the power back on until her ship got a call. "This is Optimus Prime, redirect your ship or we will have no choice to blast you somewhere away from civilization!" Vixen hopped on the comlink, a little worry in her voice. "My ship lost power, I'm trying to activate emergency power, but an electronic signal wiped it out." Optimus mulled over the decision on what to do, the femme didn't sound hostile. She probably had a ship malfunction and accidentally got caught in Earth's gravitational pull. 

"Abandon your ship.", he commanded. She was taken back, trying to restart the engine. "Absolutely not! My whole life and energon supply is on the ship, if you blast it the thing will take this place out!" 

Frag, another curveball. "Ratchet, how well can you hold the ship?" The old bot grunted, obviously struggling. "I can keep it from touching the ground, but that's about it." Optimus got back on the commlink and spoke. "We can keep the ship from touching the ground, can you steer it a couple nanoclicks away from the city and we drop it there?" Vixen hopped back in the control panel, going back to manual. "I can try." 

Optimus commanded Ratchet to move it just outside the city where it wouldn't crush anything. Vixen managed to properly land it, without her energon supply getting too shaken up. Once the ship was fully landed, the Autobots surrounded it. Optimus was on edge, just because it didn't seem like it was a decepticon ship didn't mean it wasn't. 

"Come out of the ship slowly." He called out. Vixen rolled her optics, the door opening. She stepped out slowly, arms crossed over her chassis. Out stepped an attractive femme with a sleek frame. Her chassis was orange, red and gold. Teal optics with a very sharp and defined faceplate. A couple of the younger bots cooling fans turned on for a few seconds. 

"I mean you no harm." The femme spoke slowly, her upgraded optic slid over each individual slowly. The red and blue mech had quite a high price from none other than Megatron himself. She would keep that in mind. 

"State your name and reason for being on this planet." She shifted her weight to one leg, looking rather unamused. "The name is Vixen. Traveling for pleasure. This planet pulled me in, and my ship lost power." Her answers were short and concise, no room for her to accidentally slip and her cover be blown. Their weapons were still raised. "I'm a neutral, I hail from Cybertron." The lack of insignia proved her story correct. 

"Autobots, lower your weapons." At this, Sari came bundling out of the shrubbery. "Is she friendly? I've never seen a girl autobot, she looks pretty. Hey you! What's your name?!" The young girl ran up to Vixen. At first, the femme took a quick step back to analyze her. Vixen heard rumors about the organics, but this one seemed pretty harmless.

"Vixen, who are you?" "I'm Sari, are you an autobot?" 

Bumblebee nudged Bulkhead. "She sure is a vixen, huh?" Bulkhead couldn't speak at the moment, his optics glued to her pretty faceplates. She seemed elegant and graceful, the polar opposite of him. "Bulkhead!" The green wrecker turned towards him. "Huh? Oh yeah, she's very . . ." How did he describe her? She resembled the earth humans he'd seen in paintings and sculptures, the different view of beautiful feminine energy. How did he put that into words? "Femme pretty." Bumblebee would be teasing him mercilessly. 

Optimus had to step in and explain to Sari she was a native uninvolved with the war, or so he thought. Sari continued asking questions, to which Vixen was calm and answered them all. 

"Optimus, can she come back to base with us? Please! I have so many questions!" Optimus was weary on it but decided that it would be better than leaving Sari with a total stranger. Besides, Vixen probably had no clue about the AllSpark. She probably thought it was a myth. 

"Um, Vixen, right?" The femme looked up at the leader with a questioning glance. "Yes?" "It would be best if you chose a new alt form for this planet, just until you get to leave." 

She nodded, looking around. What seemed appealing? The femme saw a rather sleek car, it seemed fast enough and not flashy, but still rather elegant. Sari would later tell her it was an Aston Martin. 

The femme transformed, admiring her new set of wheels. "This is pretty nice." Sari squealed. "Oh, you look so cool! Can I ride with you Vixen? To show you the way, of course." She threw in the last part so Bumblebee or Bulkhead wouldn't get upset with her. 

"Uh, sure I guess." The femme opened her door and the girl climbed in. Vixen wasn't given immediate trust, so she drove in the middle. One of the advantages of being attractive was most mechs immediately let their guard down, she had found that out with all her time in the profession. Pretty privilege was very real, even as an alien robot. 

Bumblebee had noticed Bulkhead was quieter than usual, not talking as much. "You big lug, you like her, don't ya?" Bulkhead felt his faceplates heat up with coolant. "Uh, um, I mean she's nice to look at. Probably a model on Cybertron or something." 

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