chapter seven

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dinner had gone smoothly, if yoongi had any say in it. vivian had perched themself right next to him, refusing to leave his side for more than a few minutes. the others had tried to talk to them, even offering bits of their food to them despite having the same dinner, but they only hissed back, curling into themself with every noise. by the time dinner was over, vivian had gone back to their aloof and irritable persona, like the one from the shelter.

yoongi could only sigh. this would take some work.

the others dismissed themselves one by one, washing their dishes in the sink before heading to their rooms. yoongi and vivian were the only ones left by the time dinner was over, as vivian finally started to eat their dinner.

"you aren't used to a lot of people, are you?" yoongi murmured quietly, watching them with interest as he rested his head in his hand. vivian didn't respond at first, shoving another bite of food in their mouth before they even realized yoongi had spoken. they finally turned towards him, eyes widening when they saw he was already looking. it seemed to startle them a little, cheeks tinting the prettiest shade of pink before they turned away, ears flattening.

"sorry." yoongi chuckled a little bit, taking his plate to the sink. "i'll stop staring."

he could hear the chair scoot across the floor, only turning when vivian brushed up against him. yoongi glanced over, unable to meet their gaze as they kept it away from him. their persona had changed again; it almost gave yoongi whiplash. he took their plate gently, nudging them a little bit as he set to washing it.

"are you okay, viv?" he asked quietly, finally turning to them when he was done. they didn't respond, just started to fiddle with the hem of his shirt again. yoongi tilted his head, leaning down a little bit to try and catch their gaze. he pursed his lips, finally resigning and standing back up. "come on, let's get you to bed."

vivian followed closely, only skittering when they passed the other bedroom doors. when yoongi's door came into view, vivian all but knocked him over as they bolted past. he stumbled over to the side a little, eyes going wide as the white tip of the fox's tail disappeared through the doorway.

it took him a moment to recover before he quickly followed. the fox was rolling around on the bed, silent but obviously happy. the wild mood swings had yoongi wondering if something was wrong, but he figured it was a problem for tomorrow's yoongi as a yawn suddenly escaped him.

"okay, viv." the fox paused their rolling long enough to sit up, staring at yoongi attentively. "you can have the bed, i'll sleep on the floor until you get used to things around here."

vivian only watched yoongi flit about, gathering up a few blankets and extra pillows from a cubby. when yoongi turned around, vivian was staring with a confused expression.

"what? i need blankets to lay on the floor." yoongi chuckled, tossing out one blanket to lay on. their expression only got deeper and yoongi set up his pillows. "go ahead, you can get under the covers.

vivian did as told, except they didn't bring the covers up. yoongi looked on with interest, thinking that it almost looked like...

"do you want me up there with you?"

vivian almost immediately got shy, that pink blush returning to their face as they looked everywhere but him. yoongi only smiled.

"are you sure about that? i don't want you feeling uncomfortable. this is your home, after all."

vivian's ears twitched as he talked, finally looking back over at him. their tail twitched beside them on the bed, nervous and fleeting. yoongi stood up, resting a knee on the bed as he leaned forward just a little. "i have to know. are you sure?"

vivian hesitated before reaching out, fingers fisting into yoongi's shirt gently. they tugged the slightest bit before letting go. yoongi smiled bigger, a sliver of his gums peeking out as he crawled into the bed completely.

"as you wish, my dear." yoongi gestured for them to lay down, pulling the covers over both of them to keep them warm. vivian stared at him with big eyes, orange color reflecting the light until yoongi turned the lights off. "goodnight, vivian."

the last thing yoongi heard before drifting off to sleep was the sound of vivian's breathing, and a faint, purr-like sound.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

yoongi had a dreamless night, something he was pretty much used to at this point. the room was dark when he finally roused, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. he wasn't sure what time it was, how long he's been asleep. his brain was foggy, still catching up to his body finally being awake. he let out a particularly loud exhale, freezing when something tickled his cheek. his vision had finally adjusted, so he glanced down at his chest.

vivian was partially curled up on him, hair splayed out behind them. their legs were tangled with his, tail draped over his torso almost protectively. it seemed like they were still asleep, head rising and falling with every breath yoongi took. he hadn't even realized that he'd been holding them, his arm circling their waist gently.

his first thought was the question of when this happened. it had to have been sometime during the night, but who had instigated it? he didn't want to wake the poor thing, especially since they seemed so peaceful at the moment. and yoongi knew they needed the rest. he lifted his head just enough to spot the digital clock on the other side of the room, dull white numbers reading half past 8 in the morning.

the others had to have been up by now, as they were usually up by 7 o' clock at the latest. he couldn't hear anything, wondering if the group had left the house for the morning. it was grocery day after all. yoongi was only thankful their jobs weren't so demanding.

hoseok was a dance teacher, usually taking later classes to accommodate others schedules. namjoon was a vet tech, taking morning shifts opposite of hoseok. yoongi was a photographer, only leaving the house for work if it was a big job. most of the time he just got requests from people or would post his works online. seokjin was the ceo of his parents company, only leaving the city if it was absolutely necessary. which, usually it wasn't.

yoongi sighed just the slightest bit, readjusting his arm so it wasn't going numb. it seemed to agitate the fox a little, their nose scrunching up as they shifted. yoongi watched with wide eyes, hoping they weren't waking yet. it took a moment for them to settle, but when they did, yoongi found himself in quite a predicament.

vivian had inched their way up, burying their face in his neck. yoongi wasn't quite sure what was happening until they pressed themself closer. vivian started nuzzling his neck, breathing deeply as they did. they nosed their way along his neck, twisting their body so they were caging yoongi to the bed. it wasn't until yoongi let out a shuddering breath when they reached his ear that they finally seemed to wake up.

they sat up, resting their weight on yoongi's hips as they rubbed their eyes. they looked like they were ready to fall asleep at any time, meeting yoongi's gaze with a tired expression. he didn't dare move, his hands hovering next to their body. they scratched at an ear, blinking a couple times before fully opening their eyes.

it was then that they realized the current situation, and the events that preceded it. their gaze flickered between his and where they sat a couple times before they hissed, ears flattening as they shot backwards. they stumbled over the edge of the bed, hitting the floor with a relatively loud thump before darting into the bathroom. the door slammed shut, the click of the lock ringing through the room moments later as yoongi just stared at the empty space that once held his hybrid's presence.

finally sitting up, he watched the door, placing a hand on his neck. vivian had scented him, and by the looks of it, they weren't very pleased about it. what was going to happen now?

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