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If you are reading this, I hope you have enough humanity to grant me a simple wish: do not let anyone else read it.

Qaswar, Arsalan, Amara, Badr, I beg of you, if your hands are on this, do not read it. Do not read it. I don't want your pity, I only ever bathed in your love.

If what I write burdens you, reader, I hope you are strong enough to bear that burden alone. Here are my sorrows, and this journal is my shoulder. Burn this book if you must. Scatter it across the sea. Perhaps then when my loved ones forget me, the earth will remember my name.

I warned you.


The moon is beautiful today. It has always been, and I envy it. Tantalising, far away from the world and its cruelty, how lovely would it be to be the moon? The night is bitter with secrets, and I wonder if mine is the most treacherous of them all.

I hate

my father.


Mother told me I must become crown prince. But Huzayfa is the supposed Crown prince. I do not wish to take that title from my brother. She said I have to bear his whips, the pain, the agony. She said she loves her children, but if this is how a parent loves, I hope I never have a child.


Three-hundred-and-fifty-four scars.

It's a little more than yesterday and the other scars haven't healed yet. But if I didn't step in, he would have touched Qaswar. I will never let him touch my brother. I am not my mother. I am not my father. I am his brother and I will not let him take away from him all the light I have lost.

Qaswar cannot know. They cannot know. They should never know.

That our father

is a monster.


Did you know that poison can be addictive? He calls it immunity, the addiction. He gives me a little every day in my food, kills another part of me, and then watches me as I revive the dead inside me. At least my brothers cannot poison me.

They cannot hurt me more than he did.


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