"Right" Eros put a bit more distance between them. "I shouldn't like that. Kinda do" they reached the bottom of the stairs and came to the lobby.

"We'll see how you feel once you're my target. And you will be my target" Wednesday spoke as she grabbed (y/n)'s hand. "Now leave us. And I don't want to see you in my building again" she quickly walked off with (y/n) and they exited the building.

Word count: 740

(Sorry it's so short. I'm to out of it from my sickness to write much of anything good)

(More fan art from the lovely @mayaelsherwood ! Thank you once again dear)

(More fan art from the lovely @mayaelsherwood ! Thank you once again dear)

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(She also made memes!)

(She also made memes!)

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Wednesday's Child Is Full Of WoeWhere stories live. Discover now