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Eliza's POV
18 January 2016

It was now 9 am and so far things have gone smoothly.

Or somewhat,besides the fact that he forced me to play toys with him for a whole hour and I've been here an hour and fifteen minutes.

I won't complain though.

He's a cutie.

I also found out he's 16 in real life and 4 in his mind.

Right now,we were just cleaning up the mess he made of throwing out damn near all his toys.

"Ow!"I heard him cry out.

"What happened?"I asked walking over to Jim.

"The toy hurt me."he whined with a pout as he held his hand in pain.

"Aww,poor baby."I said kissing his hand.

"Come."I said pulling him to the bathroom and running his hand under cold water.

"It's hurts."he whined trying to move his hand.

"Just wait a bit Mel."I said trying to stop his fussing.

"There see all done."I said drying his hand off with a towel after closing the tap.

"Sit on the bed,I'll finish cleaning."I told him.

As I continued to clean up,he just sat watching my every move as he massaged his hand.

"You eat breakfast?"I asked him as I cleaned up the last of it.

"No,I wasn't hungry."he answered softly.

"Are you hungry now?"I questioned placing his crate of toys back in his walk in closet.

"Mhm."he hummed.

"Come,I'll make you food."I said smiling at him as I held my hand out.

"What food,my mommy don't allow me to eat some food."He told me.

"Oh okay,I'll call her and ask her what I can't give you."I said pulling out my phone.

"No!"he said snatching my phone out my hands and throwing it.

"Jamell!"I shouted as my phone broke to pieces once it collided with the wall.

"Mm no shout."he cried covering his ears as he sat on the floor.

"Why would you do that?"I asked him angrily.

"Mel sorry,don't hurt me,Mel sorry, Mel so sorry."he cried rocking himself back and forth with his eyes closed.

"It's okay,come here,I won't hurt you." I said after realising he had trauma.

"Come."I said pulling him up and pulling him into a hug.

"I'm sorry for shouting okay,you just made me mad because now I don't have a phone."I apologized rubbing his back as I swayed us side to side as I heard him breath shaky breaths each time he exhaled.

"Mel sorry."he apologized again as more tears fell from his eyes.

"It's okay,dont cry,I'll just try and get a new one,if I have the money."I whispered.

"You no hit Mel?"he questioned softly making it feel as if my heart broke.

It's clear someone has been abusing him.

"No,never."I said shaking my head.

"If somebody hits you,you tell me okay?"I told him making him nod his head slowly.

"My head sore."He told me holding his head.

"Okay,I'll make you a sandwich and then you can sleep,I don't know if I'm allowed to give you medicine."I said walking to the kitchen.

After I made him the sandwich,I handed it to him on a plate as he sat and watched Tom and Jerry.

"Mel have juice?"he asked me with his eyes glued to the TV.

"Yeah,what flavour?"I asked remembering when I checked the fridge there were different flavours.

"Apple."he answered smiling.

I nodded my head,walking back to the kitchen,and taking out an apple box juice from the fridge,placing the straw inside for him.

"Thank you."he said taking the juice from my hands.

"Your welcome."I said playing with his hair.

"Mel."I said laughing as he burped.

"Sorry."he laughed handing me his plate and empty juice box.

"Okay,go change into something comfortable,not your pajamas just a comfortable pants maybe."I instructed walking to the kitchen once again.

Once I was done washing the plate,I turned around to see Jamell standing there I'm grey sweats with it somewhat hanging low,allowing his underwear to be shown as he had no sweater on.

"This good?"he asked me smiling proudly.

"It's,it's um great."I said smiling nervously.

Never in a million years would I have thought this is what I would've been seeing.

"Okay let's put you to sleep."I said walking passed him causing him to pick up his pace and quickly latch his hand onto mine.

"You sleep with me?"he asked me.

"No im-"

"Please."he pleaded giving me an innocent look.

"Fine,but don't make that face again." I said pointing at him.

"Maybe."he said smiling as we reached his room.

"Silly boy."I whispered closing the door as he basically jumped onto the bed, getting underneath the covers,making space for me.

After a few minutes about him fussing with me about how I must lay and cuddle him,he eventually passed out.

I was glad because this boy is indeed a handful.

The thing I was still wondering about was,why didn't he want me to call his mother.

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