Chapter Twenty-One

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I helped paddling and We then past Xavier and Ajax's boat. Enid laughs as the boys boat sinks, "later, Xavier!" I say using his same line as we paddle away. 

   "See ya, Jokers!" One of the girls say. I turn to see Xavier broke his seat and his hat fell off.

    "I just asked myself, 'WWWAMD?' What would Wednesday and Monday Do?"enid says.

    I then pull the other lever down and continue to paddle. We then catch up to Bianca's boat and we paddle closer to her until we get pushed away.

     Then we stop getting pushed and we row back towards Bianca. We get close enough to  Bianca boat to cause a hole in it and we row away.

     Once we get to shore enid takes my hand and me my sister and her run to the finish line.

     "Yeah, we did it!" enid says. "This is the greatest moment of my entire life!" Enid says.

    I look at the dock to see Bianca madly climbing up onto it.

    I was standing in between Enid and Wednesday as Principal Weems spoke.

     "The first Poe cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honor Nevermore's most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share. Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those values on display today." Principal says and picks up the trophy and hands it to Enid.

     "WHOO!" Enid cheers and everyone including me claps. "Congratulations to Ophelia Hall!" Principal Weems says.

    I zone out as principal Weems speaks only cause I don't care about what she says. I then see enid take off and Wednesday missing so I decided to follow Enid.

      "What are you doing down here?" Enid asks as I see my sister looking at the book the statue was holding.

   "Hiding. People keep randomly smiling at me, it's unsettling." Wednesday says. "It's called having your moment." Enid explains.

    "You took down Bianca Barclay!" Enid says. "Try and enjoy it." I say as we walk back out.

     "The girls wanna know if you wanna hang out later?" Enid says and me and my sister look at her. Not that I'm not wanting to get to know them it's just I'd rather sleep.

    "Oh, come on, it won't kill you." Enid begs. "We'll think about it." Wednesday says and enid nods and skips away.

     "It's good to see you fitting in. Just like your mother. " Principal Weems says. "Our mother and I are two different people/species/everything." Wednesday says.

     "The last time Ophelia Hall won the Poe Cup, your mother captained the team. I was her co-pilot. Maybe you to are more alike than you think." Principal Weems says.

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