Chapter Eleven

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Rowan then lifts me and my sister into the air pinning us to a tree. "You're the on Who's in danger." Rowan says. "What are you doing?"Wednesday asks.

     "Saving everyone from you two." Rowan says and I stare at him in shock unable to move, fear is what's stopping me from speaking.

     "I have to kill you." Rowan says and I felt my anxiety rise and my heart pounding.

     "The gargoyle, that was you?"wednesday says. "Yeah." Rowan says, "it's always the quiet ones." Wednesday mumbles.

Then rowan uses his power to show us a photo that we are in. "The girls in the picture. That's you two." He says and I stare at it in shock.

"You want to kill us because of some picture?" Wednesday says. "My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at nevermore. She was a powerful seer told me about it before she died." He says as tears well up in his eyes. "Rowan, put us down." I say calmly.

"No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop these girls if they ever came to nevermore, because they will destroy the school and everyone in it." He says and his power tightens.

"Rowan." I say as i feel as if I'm going to slip out of consciousness. "Rowan." I say before I slip out of consciousness. I hear a growl then everything goes black.

    I awake a few minutes later to see a blurry Wednesday shocked and then she looks at me then crawls to where I believe rowan was.

    I follow her only weaker and slower as I still try to get my breath. When Wednesday stops I see rowan dead and then something flys down.

    My eye sight returns slowly but I see the thing that flew down was the drawing Rowan was talking about.

    Wednesday grabs it and I feel my arm that was supporting me get weaker so I lean on my sister.

     An hour or so later I lay on the bed as Wednesday looks at the picture and dads files. "Hello, my little black clouds." I hear dad say and I get up slowly.

Wednesday looks at me and let's me sit on the chair as she stands. "So tell us darlings, how was you first week?" Mother asks.

"As much as it pains us to admit, you were right, mother. I think we are going to love it here." Wednesday says with a smile.

(A/N: hey everyone I won't be posting next week on Wednesday and Thursday since I will be busy.)

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