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We see 404 in his room watching Vtubers streaming.

404: "I'm bored"
He then heard knocks and tell whoever on the otherside to come in. The door open revealing Amelia.

Amelia: "Hey 404"

404: "Hey there Ame"

Amelia: "We're going to buy some Kimonos, wanna come?"

404: "Oh yeah it's new year, sure I guess"

They went downstair and meet with the others. They all then go out. As they were going, 404 felt like something is wrong.

404: "Guys, I think I have some work, you guys can go ahead, I'll catch up later"

Calli: "Ok then"

The group then left except for 404. He teleport into a forest far away from the city, he also make sure to check all the place to see if it's safe. His face then darkened.

404: "I know you all are here, come out"

???: "I didn't know you would found out, brother"

404: "And I'm annoyed that you still survived"

Ink, Abyss, Mecha, Omni and Alpha walk out of their hiding spot and meet with 404.

404: "So, now you all work together now huh?"

Abyss: "Your rampage ends here Error404"

Mecha: "Surrender 404, you're out numbered"

404: "Bold of you to think that I came here alone"

The group was confused then Nightmare's gang came out of nowhere, firing gaster blaster at the group. Error also come and tied Ink up. Omni and Alpha tried to free the others but 404 come in the way and kick them both away into a portal to the Anti-void, seperate them the group.

Error: "Soooooooo... What now?"

Nightmare: "404 said he won't be involved in our group work anymore, except for when we needed help, so we can do anything with these guy"

Error: "Well then..." Error looked at Ink M E N A C I N G L Y

Ink: "Ummmmmm... Error what's with that look"

Nightmare: "You stole Error's spotlight from the X-event and you puked on my apple tree"

Mecha: "Ink did you do that?"

Ink: "Ahhh yes, that was a great time"

Nightmare: "Well then..."

Nightmare hands Error the legendary slipper.

Error: "It was my honour"

Ink: "W-Wait Error we can talk this out!"

Error: "Too late Ink"

Back to 404.

We see Alpha standing next to Omni and opposite of 404, they all readied their blaster.

Alpha: "404- no, William we can talk this out"

404: "So you tell another one my name Ares, or perhaps it's CORE, and don't you dare William me"

Omni: "Stop denying who you truly are William"

404: "William is just a failure, nothing more than a crying child, can't even protect his own family. Look at me now Ares, I'm no longer weak, I can protect myself, my family, I don't have to suffer anymore, not like William"

Omni: "Then that mean I'll have to beat you up and lecture you huh?"

404: "Try me... brother"

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