The Letter

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Hank hates Christmas.


Well ok, hate's a strong word, but he definitely doesn't like Christmas.

It's cold, it's bright, it's a constant reminder of how alone he was after Cole died...

Plus, he really doesn't like peppermint candy.

Overall, Hank just doesn't like Christmas, he never really has. Even when Cole was alive. All that meant was he had to shop more, force a smile, and even play the role of Santa clause, because his kid happened to be a light sleeper.

Note to self, go through the attic to find that suit, and burn it. before Connor uses it as blackmail material.

Anyway, with all that being said.

Why does Hank's house look like Kris Kringle himself threw up all over it?

Easy, cause he's a fucking schmuck. One that couldn't say no to his roommate's stupid puppy eyes if his life depended on it.

"What do you think?"

Hank looks over at Connor, who was staring at him expectantly. A bright expression on his face, illuminated by the red and green lights.

A menace.

The human flushed crimson, and turned away from the android at once.
"It looks great Con."

Hank couldn't even stay mad at him.

Yeah, a real fucking schmuck.


Luckily though, Hank wasn't the only one who had to suffer.

"I swear to Christ!?" Reed growls, holding up another strand of intricate paper snowflakes that Connor had put on his desk.

He'd been doing it all week, and it was driving the asshat nuts. Which, to the two of them, was entertaining as hell.

Hank smirks to himself, as the android continues to silently work. He looks like a perfect little angel as the detective storms over, practically frothing at the mouth.

"What are you playing at tin man?!" Gavin demands, slamming the paper down on Connor's desk.

The brunette looks at him, the paper, and then back to Gavin. Then tilts his head, faking naïve confusion perfectly.

"playing? I'm not playing anything detective. I'm working." The boy explains, and Hank swore the pipsqueak was seconds away from exploding.

"Really! oh, well, it looks to me like you're playing arts and crafts!" Gavin huffs, taking the snowflakes off the table, and shoving them in the android's face.

Connor blinks at him, still seeming innocent as ever. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean."

Reed growls, clearly about to start shouting again. only for him to be grabbed by Niles.
"Wha—the phck are you doing?! Get off me!!!"

"If you're going to shout like a child. you're at least going to do it outside. before you lose your job." The taller man says in his usual monotone. as he drags Gavin away kicking and screaming.

That's definitely one way to keep your boyfriend in line.

"You know, I still don't understand why these bother him so much." Connor confesses with a smirk. taking his hard work, and putting it into a drawer with the others.

Hank shrugs, "I'm pretty sure everything involving you bugs him...well, except your looks I guess."

"Apparently." Connor said, sounding just as uncomfortable with that knowledge as Hank felt.

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