Fucking boys now?

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"So, Jeremy huh?"

"You know him" isiahs head turned.

"Know him? I've fucked him."

"You what?"

"Well more of tried to. He seemed in denial of his sexuality. He started crying when he couldn't get it up and he came out to me. He said I was the first person he told."

Isiahs head slanted backwards, his eyes widening. "Woah that's...."

"Weird? Yeah I know" she interrupted
"So how've you been?"

"Uh....good good"

"Fucking boys now?"

"What? you homophobic like charles?"

She snorted "Charles is a homophobe?"


"Well he's got news coming to him"

"Don't tell about this?"

"We barely even talk"

The two wondered around finding themselves outside. A tall blond guy, about six feet or so wearing a beige ish leather jacket made a hand signal. Isiah was confused, he turned his head to Juanita who was smiling like a fool.

"Who's that?"

"My boyfriend" she blushed.
"See you later, oh and keep in touch" she hugged him and made her way running to the guys arms

Isiah couldn't help but feel a slight bit amount of jealousy. Who was he kidding? A huge amount of jealousy. The feeling left when someone came and hugged him from behind. "Hey handsome?"

"Mmm" he smiled at Jeremy brushing his lips against his.

Isiah pulled out his phone "fuck!" He exclaimed looking at the amount of messages his mom sent to him.

"Everything okay?"

"I have to get home" he said running back into the room. He spotted his ride on the dance floor. Charles was drunk and he had girls, especially Laura all over him it was like some kind of pda orgy.

"I can take you, or better you could stay over"

Isiah thought the offer through. He could just tell his parent he spent the night at Charles' but no way was he going to let his bestfriend drive home like that.

Both Isiah and Jeremy made their way to Charles. Pushing through the crowd, the pair yanked Jeremy from Laura's grasp.

"Fuck you think you two are doing?" She shouted.

The two ignored her and made their way out. With charles swaying in their arms.

"Oh hey Jeremy. You very handsome. Wanna fuck?" He bit his lips

Jeremy and Isiah shared shocked looks

"Gotta get you home buddy"

"You guysh can stay over if......you promise we're gon......." He gagged
"Go......."he  stumbled, letting out whatever he had left inside of him

"You done?"

He raised his hand lifting up one finger.

Isiah looked over at Jeremy "we can't leave him alone at home like this"

"What are you suggesting"

"Well.....we could stay at his. His house is huge."

"Fine. Take his car and lead the way"

"Charles, where are your keys"

He bent over to the sort of crouched body and shook him.
"Fuck.....he's passed out"
"Help me get him up"

The two carried Charles drunken body to the front door, searching his pockets for a key.

"Check under the mat" Isiah told Jeremy taking Charles weight onto himself.

He found it. Unlocking the door, Isaiah went in leaving Jeremy to lock up.

"HORRAY" Charles shouted passing out again

They walked into his room, placing him onto the bed, covering a fleece over him.

The two grabbed a couple of blankets and made themselves a pretty comfy bed right besides Charles'. They both took their clothes of until the had nothing but underwear on and snuggled their way into the sheets.

"Goodnight" Jeremy kissed


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