Chapter 14 - Lover (Edited)

Start from the beginning


"Fine." Oren said, giving Avery a look. "I will arrange security for you." His eyes narrowed. "And only you."

Xander and I both jumped up at the same time but he talked first. "I object!"

"Overruled." Oren said, no room for discussion. "We will be flying into a high-threat situation. I want at least an eight-person security team on the ground. We can't afford a single distraction. Avery is the package—the only package—or I will duct-tape all four of you to chairs and call it a day."

I immediately spoke up. "No." Oren turned his gaze to me, raising his eyebrows. "I'm going with her whether you like it or not. She's my sister and Grayson..." I realized I didn't actually know what Grayson was to me anymore. "Please just let me come, I don't want to see either of them get hurt." Oren shook his head.

"No, that is the final answer." He says strictly. I didn't nod.

"Please Oren, I promise you I won't be any trouble. let me come." Oren looked like he was about to shake his head again but I wouldn't let him take his eyes off me.

"Fine." I didn't let myself smile as I realized I had won. No sure how, my argument hadn't been very convincing but maybe Oren just hadn't wanted to deal with my protesting.


Within four hours Avery and I were standing next to Grayson outside of Jackson's house. Grayson had looked a little surprised when I had walked out of the plane.

I hadn't known what to do so I had just walked over to him, not a word leaving my mouth and gave him a very awkward hug. When we pulled away I gave him a weird smile and turned my focus back to Avery.

"Are you ready?" Grayson asked Avery, to which she nodded.

"Your men will have to stay back," Grayson told Oren. "They can set up a perimeter, but I'd bet a very large amount of money that Currie will not open the door if Avery shows up with her own army."

I tried to ignore the look Grayson gave Avery as she walked towards the broken down shack. It wasn't the fact that his expression had held quite a bit of worry for her, I was worried for her to, it was the fact that he looked at her like he would do anything for her.

He would do anything for her. He had came here today for her, to help her. He cared for her, I knew it, no matter how much I tried to deny it I knew he would always care for her.

"I'm here!" Avery yelled at the shack, pulling me out of my thoughts. "For real this time. My name's Avery. I'm Hannah's daughter.Toby wrote my mother postcards." Jackson had still not opened the door but Avery kept yelling anyway. "He said that if she ever needed anything, she should come here. I know you saved Toby's life after the fire. I know my mom helped you. I know that they were in love. I don't know if her family found out, or what happened exactly—"

"That family always finds out." Was the only thing I heard Jackson say to Avery before the two of them went farther into the house. Grayson and Oren tried to follow but we're kicked out by the massive fisherman.

Once Grayson had realized that Avery was never going to get answers with him trying to get inside the shack he came and stood next to me. I didn't look over at him as he spoke.

"Are we going to continue ignoring each other or are we going to try and talk." Grayson said, his voice low.

"Not much to say." I respond. Grayson still didn't turn to look at me. "And I gave you a hug, I don't think that's considered ignoring you." Grayson shrugged.

"It was a pretty awkward hug." He states. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"What did you expect? You kissed Avery, never apologized, then expect me to continue on as if it never happened." I spit out. Grayson finally turned to face me.

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