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I look upon a desolate world in which there used to be nothing but lights.
Lights that shone brighter than the moon and all the stars, a sphere of illuminance and beauty.
The silver lights have not shone in years.

I look upon the grand statue of the moon; a crescent of ethereal splendour and mystical presence.
The moon statue, masses in size, lit up alongside the silver lights as soon as evening begun here. When crowds of excitable bohemians would rush in through the grand doors, eager for the best seats possible inside this wondrous building, so their view was guaranteed to be so absolutely perfect.
What exactly was it that they wanted to see?
Or should I rather say- who?

None other than the 'Diamond Dogs' of the self-named Diamond Duke himself, Hector Wilde.
Hector Wilde was what you could say 'the ringmaster' of this magnificent place. He was a tall man who exerted a presence of intimidation and mastery; however, if you are to do what I did and get to eventually know Hector Wilde, you will soon learn of his kindliness, generosity and encompassing nature- nothing like how he appears to his audience.
The Diamond Dogs were none other than a group of simply spectacular performers that mesmerised you with their art of Can-Can and burlesque.

But they were just the opening act...

The Diamond Dogs were preparing you for what truly was to come. First-timers to this place of performance were no where near expecting what the Diamond Duke could possibly be hiding up his sleeve for this climax of an event. Possibly a stupid animal who does tricks? A pretty girl to take their belts off? A man who eats fire?
God, no. This was no circus.
This was a museum. Full of art. Full of beauty.

Descending from the stairs tucked away in the wings of the impossibly large stage there was a man.
A man that enraptured the whole room.
Capturing the entire audience with just his presence.
The excitement of the Diamond Dogs quieted as he entered the atmosphere, the excitement turning into suspense and wonder.

I can replay the moment I saw him for the first time over in my head for an infinite amount of time.
God, how he mesmerised us. He mesmerised us all.
But me- how I felt so much more.
I can still feel how he made my heart stop. How he gave me the fear of blinking as I would miss a split second to just look at him. Soak him into my head and my heart. Absorb all his features and mannerisms.
I'm glad I did that. I'm glad I took to memorising every inch of him.

He was called the Diamond Prince.
And I hated him.

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