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"Oh, hey Cynthia." I said while walking in the kitchen, Cynthia is going for blonde, again.
And mom is painting her toenails.

"Mason. What about a girlfriend?" She asked me, again. I don't know why, but Cynthia obsessed with me having a girlfriend.
She asking me this every time she's here, which means almost every day, Cynthia is hilarious.

"Didn't you ask me this two days ago?" I asked and took a orange juice from the fridge.

"I don't understand how a pretty boy like you don't have a girlfriend." She said and my mom smiled and nodded,

"Your so right." I said slowly.

"Mom. Mom!" Tracy and Evie entered the kitchen. "Can you guys say hot?" Evie said and giggled, is that my shirt?

"Are these my shirts?" I asked and put the glass down, why would they wearing my clothes?

"Well, that was Mason's favourite shirt." My mom said and Cynthia looked shocked.
"Ohh, ohh, here we go." They started singing and dancing. "You know, you two aren't the only J-lo's in the house." Mom said, actually none of them don't even look like her.

"Mom! This is my shirt!" I said and hit Tracy in the arm, this is the last time she doing something like that.

"Go away! It's only a shirt." She yelled angrily and ran away from me all over the kitchen.

"You guys know if you drink 10 glasses of of ice water a day, you'll burn 300 calories?" Evie asked and drink the water.

"Interesting." My mom said,
"Why the fuck do you want to burn 300 calories? You don't need to." I said, I wanna to add that she's fine that way, but then Cynthia will talk about it forever.

"Aww, that cute, mason. But we both know that not true." She said and smiled.
Tracy found Brady's clothes and she had to yell and get mad. And Cynthia's hair's almost cooked,
"every damn time." I said with a sign and went to the back yard tiredly.

Cynthia left, and my mom went to talk to Tracy.
"Tracy, conference, now!" Mom said and stand by her door, Tracy open the door and said slowly"I'm on.. the phone." She is so strange lately, and annoying as fuck. She always angry, and have something to complain about.

"Well get off the phone."
"It's dad. His with the baby." She explained,
And my mom came in and closed the door.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Evie came and caressed Hampton.

"Nothing. Playing with Hampton." I answered and she brought a stool to sit next to me.
"Well, I have nothing do. Mel is still talking with Trace and your dad." She said and looked at me.

"You can stay here if you want." I said with no interest, let's see if Luke he is the right person to ask, I'll kill him if she is going to think that I'm really don't care.

"Thanks." She reply, since when she said thanks?
"So tell me, why is Tracy so hate Brady? her behaviour to him really shitty." She asked, and she is right. Since he got back she is so hard with him? The last time he was here is was an accident, he doesn't planed that.

"I guess she's don't expect that my dad is not around anymore. And she is blame Brady." I said.
"And the baby you're dad was talked about?" She asked, the baby is really what completely broke her, I mean, me too but I'm not showing it and crying about it. Life is hard, right.
But we need to keep going.

"3 months years old, with his new girlfriend."
"Shit." She answered slowly.

"Listen, I have this project in math, and Tracy said you really good at math." She said.
"You know me, there's no way I could get over a F." She added and play with a piece of her hair.

"I hate this fucking subject. but I did this project last year, it's in my room." I said and she smiled a big smile.

"Your the best!" She said and kissed me on the cheek. She is the best.

"No problem." I said and she ran home with joy.
Tracy and mom went out with dad on the phone. He's not taking us, again.

I can't believe I was protecting him and he is not taking us, Tracy was right, I mean yeah, you have a new family, but he can't just forget about us.

Trace and I came inside and she entered her room while mom is outside feeding the chickens.

"No.no. My mom, will kill me." Tracy said,
"She smokes." Evie reply, so I guess Evie is still smoking, rumors said she stopped.

My mom came inside and went to her room,
I heard whimpers and screamings from Trace's room. "Oh fuck!" Evie called,
"What the fuck did you do?" Tracy yelled,
"What happened, Evie?" I asked and she got from the bathroom toilet paper.

"Nothing, we just spilled a coke, mason." She answered and get in the room quickly.
Yeah, right. She thinks I'm a fool

It's night, and I saw my mom in Tracy's room with a pair of jeans with some fur on it.

Tracy followed her mad and my mom left and closed her door quietly, they never been like that before. Such a bad mood between them.

"This girl is out of her mind." She said and closed her door madly, I agreed.

"Everyone in this house is out of their minds.." I muttered to myself.

I sat on the sofa, watching TV.
"Yo, Evie!" I heard and get up to the window.
"Is that KK?" I thought and I saw him claiming on Tracy's window.

"You ready?" He called, I hate that guy.
"Give me a sec." She said and kissed him,
what the hell is he doing here?
He hold her and they ran toward the park,
"Stop biting me!" He yelled and she laughed.

BROKEN FOREVER - Mason Freeland and Evie Zamora Where stories live. Discover now