parent's day || chapter 17

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have Arc 3, or as it is conveniently named in my notes, 'Emotional Whiplash Arc'. So this arc, but especially the first few chapters, will be dealing with the effects of Xavier's parental trauma on relationships and learning about healthy healing. Then you'll get your normal dose of cute content!

 "This is ass, man," Ajax complains, leaning back against a tree. "Parent's Day this late into the year? I thought they would have just skipped it."

"I see your point, but at least the people that want to see their family get to see them," I tell him.

"No one said I didn't want to see my parents," he protests.

"Honestly, I think they would have been better off skipping this year as well," Xavier sighs and I take his hand. The wind whistles as it cuts through the fifty-something layers I'm wearing, almost as though it's a sign of the upcoming event.

The bell tolls, signaling the end of the period. As we walk to our dorm, he seems far away. Lost in the realm of alternate possibilities, where maybe he could have a healthy family, an accepting family, a family that loves him even a fraction as much as I do. The fact that this weekend will be another weeked without the slightest concern from them has changed him. I wouldn't say he's normally all that cheerful, but he's getting worse. And watching it hurts.

About a week ago, he started to shift in personality. That was right after Weems announced the late Parent's Day. He's quieter and spends his time in the art shed or in the dorm. We haven't been in the greenhouse, for plants or other reasons, in a while. I want to talk to him, but I don't know how. Mental health has always been a sensitive topic with anyone, and I don't want to break the fragile balance we have. I know it's best for us both if we talk, but not yet. After Parent's Day, when he'll be at least a small bit better. For now, the best I can do is hold his hand and hold him close to my chest when he needs the comfort.


The families of Nevermore students gather in the quad to watch Weems's speech and look for their children amongst the sea of purple and black. My parents will be dissappointed, because I'm not in the mass of kids. Xavier and I stand on a balcony overlooking the quad.

"Yours a no-show too, [Y/N]?" Bianca asks us, walking over to lean against the railing.

I shake my head. "No. They're down there, I just wanted to be with Xavier."

"My mother's probably sunning herself somewhere in the tropics. We used to spend Parent's Day together, just watching everyone else. It'll probably be the same now."

Xavier turns toward her, pointing at something in the shadows. Out struts her mother.

"Guess you underestimated her," he tells her. "Well, have fun. I'll probably just stay in our room."

Bianca walks to her mother, a pained expression on her face, and they disappear into the shadows.

"You weren't serious about spending the entire time in our room, right?" I ask him. He shrugs. "Oh, come on. You can hang out with my family. If it's too much for you, you can just go back there."

We walk downstairs into the quad where I am ambushed by my mother.

"[Y/N]! It's been so long. How have you been?" she squeals. I hug her and step aside.

"I've been fine, but more importantly, this is my..."

"Roommate. I'm Xavier," he introduces himself. I nod. Roommate.

"He'll be hanging out with us today, if y'all don't mind."

My parents shake their heads, a broad smile on both of their faces. I swear they're synchronized sometimes.

"Anyone you like is just fine to come with us. Now, let's go! I haven't been here in years," Father says. We set off toward the dorms, and I notice the presence of my parents has somewhat lightened Xavier's mood. Good.

The door to our room creaks open, and my parents look around. I realize that compared to the typical 'my side your side' dynamic, our room is more blended. Several canvases and art supplies have migrated to my side of the room, and the jungle of plants has begun to expand to his side.

"I'm glad you two are close enough to be able to share space like this," Father comments. "My roommate and I weren't like that. Everything was very orderly."

They make some more comments on the plants, and I close my eyes to hope they don't notice some smaller details, such as the fact that my bed has been gathering dust for the last few days, or the large amount of turned-around canvases.

"So, you're an artist, then?" I hear Mother ask Xavier. They've been having a conversation, I realize.

"Yeah. Part of my ability," he responds.

"Oh, that's wonderful. What do you paint?"

"Mainly people. Some landscapes."

She nods before turning to me. "[Y/N], did you get your space to practice your skills?"

"Yes. I have a greenhouse. Would you like to see it?" I offer. Before I can even finish, everyone is out the door. Xavier walks next to me while my parents walk ahead of us.

"Are you doing okay?" I whisper to him. He nods, fingers brushing mine. "I'm sorry your parents were no-shows."

"It's fine. I'm used to it," he responds.

"You shouldn't have to get used to that."

"It doesn't matter, okay? Let's just get today over with."

I nod and we walk the rest of the way in silence.


After the greenhouse, we went around the rest of the school, looking at different classrooms and the grounds. The family dinner comes and goes, and before I know it everyone's loading back into their cars. I wave goodbye as my parents drive away, expecting to feel sadness that they're gone. Instead, I feel relief. The chokehold that Parent's Day had on Xavier was devastating to be around, but I know the end of Parent's Day means that now I will have to talk to him, really talk to him, about everything that's been going on.

I push open the door of the art shed, and Xavier looks up from his painting.

"[Y/N]. What are you doing here? Thought you didn't like the cold."

"It's late March, not as cold. But I'm here to talk to you," I tell him. He sighs and sets down his paintbrush. I see that his painting is a messy flashing of brushes all over the canvas, colors bleeding together in madness. "You... And apologies if this is going too far, but you haven't been the same since Weems announced Parent's Day. I know you're not normally a ray of cheerful sunshine, but it's different. I was worried about you."

"Why would you be worried about my mood regarding Parent's Day? I mean, you know my folks aren't going to show up," he says.

"I was- I am worried because I really, really care about you, Xavier. And this has been hurting you. It's the visions all over again. You tell me you're fine, but you've been waking up every night in a panic for the past week. I sleep in the same room as you, lately in the same bed as you because of that panic, you can't use the 'fine' card with me."

"God, [Y/N], you're trying to fix things you can't fix. They hurt me in the past, and it's going to leave traces on me for as long as I live. I know you're trying to solve it, but you couldn't solve the visions, either. I'll be fine in a few days."

"You can't just hope you'll be fine. I don't want to see you in pain."

"I'm not hoping. I know I'll be fine. It's been years since I actually talked to them aside from pleasantries over the summer. You can't save me from everything," he tells me softly. I push some of his hair aside, holding his face in my hands.

"I can still try."

Greenhouse || Xavier Thorpe x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now