the island || chapter 8

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this is the last chapter of Arc 1, the Island Arc. The next arc will be the Outreach and Rave'N Arc, focusing mainly on the growing relationships of the characters.

i'd also kind of like to say sorry for making this a whole 'mystery plot' thing, but writing this was originally a challenge for myself to write romance which i probably failed. romance, for me, is so much more difficult to write than a more 'murder-y plot' so we will get back to your regularly scheduled content in chapter 8 :D
thanks for sticking with it.

 "Shit," Xavier curses, waking me up. It's 9:30, and we had agreed to try and get some rest before spending the night on an island looking for a dead boy. "I had a vision. We need to get Wednesday and call off the stakeout."

"What did you see?" I ask him as we grab our coats.

"Hooded guy, I can't believe I didn't recognize the Nightshades robe, but there was blood. Not his. Wednesday and Eugene behind a boulder and someone in the oleander, probably dead. I didn't see you or Enid or Ajax. But the hooded guy was using telekineses," he explains. We lock eyes.

"Rowan. He's alive."

"Let's go. She's probably at the docks already."

The two of us run down the hallway and down the stairs, not caring about the noise we produce. Curfew isn't for another half hour, technically. I see a flash of platinum blonde hair heading to the docks as well.

"Enid! Stop! We need to call off the stakeout!" I yell. She turns around and walks toward us.

"Wednesday's already on Raven Island. She said you two would back out, and I knew if the psychics were backing out something bad was going to happen. I need to get her," she explains to us as the three of us continue to run to the docks.

"No, listen, you need to find someone else. Wednesday probably has the Galpin kid's number on a paper somewhere, call him and get Officer Galpin to send backup to Raven Island," Xavier instructs her, but she shakes her head.

"She's my girlfriend, you call Galpin if you really want him involved. Let's go."

We untie one of the canoes and paddle out as quickly as possible. The whole time, Xavier stares at the rippling water clenching his fists. I put my hand on his as an attempt to reassure him.

"No one will die. You didn't see Enid in your vision, so maybe we've broken whatever that is."

"It's unlikely," he tells me.

"Well, I'm not letting either of us die until they change the menu at the Weathervane," I joke. He smiles, but I can tell that it's not a true one. The boat bumps against the shore of Raven Island, and we step out and head into the woods.

"Wednesday?" Enid calls. "Come back. Where are you?"

"There," Xavier whispers, pointing. "Oleander. They're behind that rock."

We walk over to the boulder, and as soon as we get there Wednesday's iron grip pulls us behind it.

"Wednesday, we need to leave now," I tell her. She shakes her head.

"If you want to leave, why did you even come?"

"To get you! This isn't going to work, okay? We just... call Officer Galpin and get him to stake out the island."

"I agree, Wednesday, this isn't good," Eugene tells her. She exhales deeply and glares at us. The idea of someone who reminds her so much of her brother getting hurt is enough to make her change her mind.

"Fine. Let's go."

We run back to the docks, and one of the canoes is missing. Wednesday glares at Eugene.

"Didn't you tether our canoe?" she asks.

"That's a thing?" he gulps. She shakes her head in exasperation.

"We'll just have to pile in theirs. Sheriff Galpin can't help us in this case, not on school property. Hopefully, the idea of someone finding his hideout will scare Rowan into finding a new place."

Just as she says that, the rope tying our canoe begins to unravel quickly. He's here.

"Enid, get in the boat," Wednesday instructs.

"Why me?" she asks, getting in the boat anyways.

"Because I care about you and don't want you getting hurt. Now grab the paddle and get the hell out of here."

While she paddles back to the shore, we turn around and watch as Rowan pulls down his hood and takes in the four of us. We all look amongst each other and scatter down the dock and into the woods.

"Stop it!" He screams, throwing us all backwards. My head hits a tree and I feel blood beginning to drip into my hair. I fall down into a patch of oleander and close my eyes as the world seems to spiral around me.


"Get up." Wednesday tells me flatly. I push myself into a seated position and take in the blurry faces. When my eyes focus again, I see Officer Galpin standing next to a sedated Rowan in handcuffs. Xavier steps into my view and offers a hand to help me up, and I take it.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You blacked out, Xavier panicked because he thought you were dead, your blood caused the oleander to grow rapidly and ensnare Rowan. Eugene summoned his bees and then Sherriff Galpin came with Enid. He sedated Rowan and I slapped you to get you up," Wednesday recounts.

"Can you walk okay?" Xavier asks. I nod.

"Yeah, probably. Let's just go. I want to get off this godforsaken island."

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