"Hey Diana," a man said, charming one at best, "Would you like to go out for coffee after work?" 
Diana thought for a bit but she politely declined and went back to work. After a long time of work, it was already nighttime. Diana was looking at pictures of Canada, looking at travel destinations and plane ticket prices.
"There goes my bank account," she said to herself as she looked at the estimated prices. She looked up from her computer to see that her office was dark, almost all the employees had left. She decided to shut down her laptop and left her office cubical. She said goodbye to the other employees and left the office. 

Just as she was about to reach the elevator, she received a sudden urge to answer nature's call. She ran off to the toilet to take a dump. As she was doing so, she heard the door open and two ladies were talking, both sounded older than Diana.
"Does anyone in this building know?" one of them said.
"Hopefully not," the other replied with a deeper voice. They were washing their hands. The sound of their boots clacking got distant as they exited the toilet.

Diana's curiosity got the best of her, she washed up and immediately left to see where those two people were going. She could hear the sound of their shoes still clacking in the distance, echoing through the hallways. Diana caught up by following the sound of the shoes as they turned the corner. She hid behind the corner of the wall, Diana thanked her lucky stars that her work shoes didn't betray her.

Diana peeked around the corner to see what was going on. She noticed that the two ladies were waiting in front of the director's office, one of them was shooing the cleaner away, a frail old man who was just doing his job. The man wheeled his cart of cleaning supplies in the opposite direction. Diana could see those people were dressed formally in simple office clothing, looking like people from her own workplace, or so she thought.

Two more people showed up, this time two men dressed equally formal. They were then greeted by the director who came out of her office. The director invited the four people inside. Diana ran over to the door and peeked through the window on the door. They were talking about something as the director projected something onto the wall, showing them something, it was like a student presenting a PowerPoint to their teachers.

It was for about a good 5 minutes before the director shut the presentation. She then unplugged a USB drive and handed it to the four people along with a briefcase. They waved and started heading for the door to leave. In a panic, Diana dashed off and hid in the same corner, just in time as the people exited the office.

Added to her luck, the people left in the opposite direction. Whatever had happened had flicked the curiosity switch inside Diana's mind, she was determined to find out what was it about. The next day, she brought her tablet with her specially for this.

It was around lunch break when the office was quiet with the same cleaners walking around, cleaning out the place. She successfully snuck into the director's office. Diana pulled out her USB drive and plugged it into the director's laptop, she was able to hack into the laptop, she learned that skill a while back. She downloaded every file from the laptop and transferred it to her tablet. 

In the meantime, she was looking through the documents with high curiosity. There were at least 30GB of data in the laptop dating back to the start of the alleged start date of the beginning of the development of the bioweapons. It mortified yet intrigued her.

The director came back sooner than Diana expected and she started to panic. The sound of the director's heels was clicking but Diana's eyes were glued to the screen, too deep into the written information to notice. The door swung open.

Diana looked awkwardly as the director was holding a cup of Starbucks coffee, the smell of pumpkin spice and a box of doughnuts. 
"What the hell are you doing here?!" the director shouted.
It was now or never for Diana, she unplugged her tablet and ran past her, causing the director to drop her food and drink. Diana dashed down the staircase instead of taking the elevator. She reached the parking basement and made a beeline for her car. She put her tablet on the passenger side and drove off.

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