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Days later after that none of us were able to go out and hangout. At least me and Tsireya. We were both told we have slacked off lately, which was true. So I had to make spears and sharpen knifes in our pod. Only time I was able to leave was to fish or hunt if I was lucky. Tsireya was stuck doing stuff with mother like weave the nets or find fruits with her.

I hissed out in pain, blood dripping down the knife. I sucked my finger clear from my blood pushing away the knife frustrated. "Aonung what is wrong." Father spoke. My ears dropped and I didn't answer. I turned away from him. "Aonung. Answer me." He grew impatient and demanding.

"Nothing. Why must I do this. I mean.. you said to be friends and teach the Sullys well, me and Tsireya have been doing just that. I mean I'm 19 you could." "Exactly." I paused confused when he cut me off. What's that supposed to mean?

"You haven't even tamed a tsurak yet my boy. You have slacked off. I enjoy you all getting along yes but you still need to do your work. I'm preparing you for future chief my son." Dad sounded gentle actual care ringing in his voice, his sweetness almost tempting for his challenge. "Fine. I understand." He looked confused as I rose. "I'm ready to tame a tsurak." I stood tall slightly pumping my chest out. He lightly laughed and stood too, patting my shoulder.

"Funny son, but you are not ready." "Yes I am." I stood my ground. Maintaining eye contact to show him I was truly ready. He shook his head, hand still resting on my shoulder his head dropped. "Are you sure son. It is not easy to master. I still think you are not prepared." I took a death breathe before smiling. "I am."
My father and two other men held the tsurak tight as it squirmed around. I gulped before grabbing my braid making the bond. It jerked around more at the bond and I quickly hopped on. "Now son good position, ride like an ilu but they are not as friendly, he will try to control you, you must stand your ground and meet in the middle with him." I nodded holding tight.

A quick breathe before they let him go and we were off. He wobbled side to side in an uncontrollable way as I struggled to find my foot placement like I've seen the other men do. "Ok ok..!" I reassured us both before he dove down. In my head I was screaming crap. A lot different from an ilu, he was fast and more wanting for control. He tried jerking me off but I held tight. The water aggressively kept getting in my face so I ducked down. Soon as I was about to slip he rose again, his big orange wings flapping out. I heard my dad and the other men shouting with joy.

He seemed quite controllable now so I lightly turned him around heading back to dad. All was going fine until he dove again. This time it's like he wanted to tease me so he shook side to side aggressively. I squeezed so tight my hands started to burn having had no choice to let go. I hissed underwater before emerging to the surface. Father came to me and grabbed me in for a hug.

"That was better then expected boy! Don't worry you'll get used to him the more you practice." He smiled which made me smile, the other men cheering for me.

We all rode back on our tsuraks. I smirked to myself at the fact I was now a man, smirking even more when I thought of Liyanin. She's being my mate no matter what anyone else says. "Dad may I go hangout with my friends?" I asked getting off my tsurak following him to shore. He sighed and then smiled. "Sure. But be home tonight for once to eat with your family." He gave me the look and I nodded before jogging off to find them.

I looked everywhere and couldn't find anyone.
Not even Liyanin. "Ay there he is!" Rotxo popped out of no where and patted my back. "Hey have you seen any of the others? I got news for you all." Rotxo shook his head. "No, I did see Tsireya go find Lo'ak they could be together and I haven't seen Liyanin I think she's hanging with her sisters?" He guessed. I'm assuming.

I nodded thanks heading off, I hopped up and checked the Sullys pod. No one was there so I jumped down and headed far along the shore. "Go away." I heard a loud hiss. "Liyanin." I whispered quickly going after the voice.

"Look at their fingers. This one's the only normal one!" I heard some boys voice laugh. I came up to see a group of boys bothering Tuk, Kiri and Liyanin. Tuk was being protected in between Kiri and Liyanin while the boys tried to grab her, they messed and picked on the girls for there demon blood features. I grew pissed seeing them forcefully grab Liyanin's hands. I quickly rushed over and swung the main boy around.

He hissed before dropping his ears. "Leave them alone." I hissed. My hand beating his chest, staring into his eyes with hate. "Why are you defending these freaks?" He softly laughed and his friends joined to. "Call them freaks again, and I'll feed you to my tsurak." I bared my fangs, his face soon dropping with fear and regret. "Sorry.. let's go boys." He quickly hurried away, his friends gave looks and hissed at me as they followed him.

I turned to the girls. "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you did they?" I spoke with my fangs, almost furious of what I just saw. "No.. thank you Aonung." Liyanin sighed with relief. Kirk picked up Tuk and looked at me. "Thanks." She smiled. "Could you leave me and Liyanin for just a moment?" I asked Kiri. She smirked and walked away still holding Tuk. I watched and waited till they were far away enough to speak.

"Is everything alright Aonung?" I didn't speak nor answer her. I grabbed her arm and lead her into the forest. This needs to be done.
Smut warning for next chapter. Like I said if you don't wanna read skip it or enjoy I guess.

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