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Genre: Fluff!🌸
TW!⚠️: Kissing, gay

Saturday, 4:03 PM

Nobody's POV:
The squad had just finished recording their video and Jaxx was sitting in his desk chair editing the video. Sora walked in with his phone in hand and immediately laid down on his bed face down, Jaxx turned around and was amused by his lover's behavior. "What's wrong Sora?" Jaxx asked. Sora turned on his back and exhaled. "Do you wanna go out on a date with me?!" Sora yelled slightly. He said it in one breath and quickly, waiting hesitantly for his lover's answer. Jaxx was taken aback with Sora's request but then smiled warmly. "Sure, just gotta finish editing this real quick, 'kay baby?" Sora was surprised but responded quickly after, "Kay, see you at 8:00" he muttered. Sora then left the room blushing madly and Jaxx chuckled. He had always thought that Sora was cute but when he gets flustered, it is a sight that no man would want to miss. Jaxx then quickly turned back to his computer and quickly finished exporting the video. He then stretched and exhaled.

7:50 PM
Jaxx was wrapping his scarf around his neck and fixing his outfit a little bit until Sora walked in. He was in a white shirt with a cyan blue jacket and white baggy pants. He wore his white sneakers and he wore tons of hairpins along with a cyan beanie to match his jacket. He was also wrapping his scarf around his neck, it was a red one that Jaxx had made one for him on their 1st anniversary. They wore matching ones since Sora had also made one for him, it was a cyan one (obviously) with white stripes and Jaxx adored it. He wore it whenever it was a special occasion with his boyfriend. He admired his boyfriend from head to toe, he then walked over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He then said, "Are you ready love?" his voice and tone sounding so gentle and genuine, it made Sora feel at ease and cupped one of Jaxx cheeks and kissed it. "Yeah, let's go." Sora said while pulling away from his lover's cheek. Sora and Jaxx walked out of the shared bedroom and grabbed the car keys.

As Sora started the engine, he looked at Jaxx once again and tucked a hair strand behind his ear. "Hey! Being romantic is my job!" Jaxx said, "Well I'm the one that's taking you out on a date!" Sora huffed. He then quickly followed that sentence by holding Jaxx's hand and saying, "Just let me do something nice for you just this once. You're always spoiling me and putting up with my bratty attitude. I love you too y'know!" Jaxx laughed at Sora's words "Sora, baby, I know that no matter how many times you say mean stuff to me, I know it's just to keep your personality intact. Don't worry♡" Sora turned red at Jaxx's words and just started the engine.

A few minutes go by and they arrive at an amusement park, they go to the front and pay, they both get a green bracelet, signaling that they are allowed on all rides. Sora asks Jaxx which one he wants to go on. Jaxx then sees something that catches his eye, it's a bungee jump and it looked very tall. Sora hesitated on going but wanted to keep his tough persona up so he just nodded and then followed Jaxx to one of the rides that he dreaded the most.

Sora insisted on going first but when he looked down, he regretted his life decisions. Unfortunately, it was too late to turn back now. So he fastened the belt around his waist and then closed his eyes. He felt tears pricking at the corners of his eyes just at the thought of falling down. Suddenly, his foot tripped and he plunged down rapidly. He felt like screaming and crying at that exact moment but he was far too terrified to even open his mouth. When he stopped bouncing around, he was let down by a security guard who unfastened his belt and said goodbye. Sora waved back still in shock and just stood there, waiting for Jaxx to finish his turn. When Jaxx finished, he looked beyond pleased and his eyes were filled with amusement. The sparkle in his eyes soon disappeared when he saw Sora's face. It was completely white as if he had seen a ghost or something. Jaxx waved his hand in front of Sora's face a few times and snapped his fingers, causing Sora to jump back to reality. Jaxx cupped Sora's face in his hands and then lightly pecked his nose, "What's wrong baby?" Jaxx asked. "Nothing's wrong! Just zoned out for a second." Sora replied while backing away from Jaxx's touch. Jaxx looked at Sora with concern flooding his expression. "M'kay.. but if you ever feel uneasy when on a ride, let me know love. I don't want you to feel like you should hold back your true feelings. Just know that I'm always here for you."Jaxx knew how to comfort Sora in the best ways, Sora felt way more comfortable and a smile creeped onto his face. God Sora loved that man, from his perfect face, to his rough and attractive chest, he loved just about everything about Jaxx. He felt like the luckiest man on earth when he remembers that he is dating Jaxx. Sora then turned to a food bar that had cotton candy and other typical snacks. A pretzel caught his eye and it was like Jaxx had read his mind, he pulled Sora to the food stand and purchased a cotton candy and a large pretzel. Sora immediately took a bite out of it and his eyes lit up with pleasure. Biting into the crunchy pretzel was like heaven, he loved salty snacks and before he knew it, he had finished the entire thing. Jaxx was chewing on the cotton candy while holding Sora close near his chest. Jaxx then also finished his snack and threw away the stick.

As hours flew by with the wind, they got on more rides and made more memories together. They came across the final ride before calling it a night, the Ferris wheel. The last passengers got off and were quickly replaced with new ones, those being Sora and Jaxx and other individuals. As they both got in their seats, they buckled in and waited. Not too long later, there was movement and then the Ferris wheel started to slowly spin. There was just the park music and laughter of visitors that could be heard, Jaxx scooted in closer to Sora and held his hand, their fingers intertwining with one another. They looked at each other and shared a dazed, loving look on each other's faces. Jaxx admired Sora, the look on his face matching perfectly with the blush that was spread across his face. Sora also admired Jaxx and looked at his plump lips, he craved them so much that without even realizing, he leaned into Jaxx and closed his eyes. Jaxx read Sora's face like a book and closed his eyes as well. He couldn't take it anymore, he smashed their lips together and he felt pleasure wash over him as he felt Sora kissing back. They kissed each other in sync and Jaxx broke the kiss soon after. He looked at Sora and smiled softly. Sora did the same and noticed tears in Jaxx's eyes. He wiped them and kissed Jaxx's forehead. "Don't cry baby... I love you♡" "Yeah, I love you too blueberry♡" they both snapped out of their trance when a security guard took a photo and squealed in awe. "Awe! You guys are soo cute!" they looked around and noticed that the ride had come to an end and were surrounded by hundreds of people who were waiting in line looking at them and taking pictures. They both blushed in embarrassment and quickly unfastened their seat belts and sped off into the car.

Back at the Squad House
12:34 AM

The red and blue couple burst through the main door laughing and struggling to walk due to the laughter. They finally made their way to their room and closed the door behind them. The laughter died down when they caught their breathe and then sat down on their bed. "Should we change into some more comfortable clothes?" Sora asked while looking at Jaxx, "Yeah, I'm pretty tired babe."

After the couple changed their clothes, they both shared one thought and one thought only, sleep. They were exhausted from all the excitement in one night. Jaxx turned off the nightstand lamp and held his boyfriend close to his chest. He started to play with his soft hair, stroking it gently and taking in his scent. He loved Sora's hair, his face, his body. Everything. He loved Sora altogether. After a few minutes of rubbing Sora's head, he eventually fell asleep but Sora remained awake. There was silence flooding the room but Sora broke it by saying, "Jaxx," "Hm?" hummed his boyfriend. "Thank you." Jaxx smiled. He knew what Sora meant by 'Thank you.' He just kissed Sora's head and Sora hugged him, "I love you Jaxx."

"I love you too Sora "

AHHHHHHHH! FIRST ONE SHOT EVER! This took way longer than I expected but hey! I finished it just for you guys! Hope u enjoyed it as much as I did! I really love this ship and it really makes me happy when I get to write about it! Anyways, see you in the next chapter! Request are still open y'all!
Author, OUT!✌🏼

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