Capítulo 5: Mi Vida Ahora

Start from the beginning

"Pero yo veía que estresados estaban, que cansados llegaban del trabajo, yo veía todo eso." More tears began to fall down your face.

"Les compré una casa, y ahora pueden descansar y relajarse." You wiped the tears from your face. "Ahora yo les compro lo que ellos quieren y ahora me toca a mi consentirlos." You smiled.

"Yo amo a mis padres, y gracias a ellos soy quien soy." You wiped your tears again before smiling at the camera.

{*Hometown*, United States}

"Voy a llevar a Kevin hoy a que conozca mi high school, y después vamos a ir a comer a mi lugar favorito!" You clapped excitedly as you explained your plans for the day.

"Kevin todavía no se acaba de arreglar, pero yo y los niños ya estamos." You spoke as you sat down on the couch, watching the kids as they played on the ground.

"Okay, listo!" Kevin walked out of the bedroom.

"Bueno, listo no se si estas, pero," You said as you held up your hands in defense.

"¡Qué chistosa!" Kevin fake laughed as he fixed his shirt.

"Lo se," You shrugged your shoulders before getting up from the couch.

"Vamos," You said to the kids as you waited for them to get up from the floor.

"Quien va a manejar, tu o yo?" You asked Kevin as you stood next to him.

"Yo," He said, laughing nervously. "Si manejas tu, me matas,"

You looked at him with an offended look.

"No es cierto!" You glared at him.

He didn't say anything, he just smiled awkwardly at you before he placed a soft and gentle kiss on your lips.

"Te dejo manejar solo porque no me gusta parquearme de parallelo." You said after returning the kiss he just gave you.

"No te gusta, o no puedes?" He laughed again.

You didn't answer him, you just walked out the door.

The camera then shows you, Kevin, and the kids in the car, driving through your hometown, heading to your old high school.

"¡Llegamos!" You said as you looked out the window. The large building with many windows still looked the exact same as the last time you had seen it.

"No ha cambiado nada," You said as you unbuckle your seatbelt. Your eyes still glued to the building.

"No quiero entrar porque me van a ver como si fuera loca, mejor nadamas le damos una vueltita por fuera, y nos vamos a comer, vale?" You turned to look at Kevin, who was unbuckling his own seatbelt. He nodded his head as he looked up at you. It was a weekend, so there weren't any classes happening.

You purposely decided to come on a weekend, one; to avoid being recognized and two; because you didn't want to seem like those people that constantly and purposely visited their old schools for validation.

You finally ripped your gaze away from the building, turning to look at Kevin.

"Que guapo estas," You gushed over your husband for a second, admiring how his hands looked as he took off his seatbelt.

He smiled at you, his smile lines making you melt.

"Nunca me voy a cansar de verte," You spoke to him with honesty. You truly will never ever grow tired of admiring your husband.

"Nunca me voy a cansar de verte a ti tampoco," He leaned over to quickly give you a peck on the lips.

"Me encantas," You whispered against his lips.

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