Vol 2 Chapter 51 to Epilogue

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Chapter 51

"...Dao He Tian Xue........."

Muttering the fog-shrouded figure's name, Tian Cheng unsteadily takes five steps back.

"It's been a while, Tai Xuan Emperor."

With a voice that can only be described as seductive to the ears regardless of gender, Dao He Tian Xue greets Tian Cheng by her true identity.

"I, you, he..."

Towards Tian Cheng's nervousness, Dao He Tian Xue smiles beneath the fog shroud.

Upon him turning towards Tian Cheng, the fog shroud around Dao He Tian Xue dissipates—revealing a man with long white hair and pale blue eyes.

Covering Dao He Tian Xue's face is a white fox mask with red and black patterns. Attire-wise, he is wearing a sleeveless long coat over a black robe. Wrapped around his waist is a deep blue sash.

"Sum up the details of our contract."

"I haven-"

"Sum up the details of our contract."

Hearing the words that were repeated by Dao He Tian Xue but with a colder tone, Tian Cheng feels as if she was suddenly thrown into an ice bath.

Drawing in a deep breath, Tian Cheng says—

"...Basic abilities of the Divine Weapon of Tai Xuan are to be granted to your disciple. Other abilities or items contained inside of it—requires him to pay a price. Support—in the form of me making a personal move, to directly kill your disciple's enemies is not allowed. I am also not allowed to disclose matters of his previous life to him. Also, certain items can only be extracted by your disciple through an exchange."

Nodding with satisfaction, Dao He Tian Xue says—

"So long as you keep these details in mind, you're free to manipulate him for your own gains, or even challenge him."


Tian Cheng's biggest concern, when it comes to manipulating Long Hua for her personal gains is none other than Dao He Tian Xue—for this man is someone that she cannot hope to defeat, even if she is able to regain the strength that she possessed during her prime.

"Dao He Tian Xue, are you certain of this?"

With Dao He Tian Xue's permission granted, her concern is no longer there, however—

(...Doesn't he care about his disciple greatly? In that case, why would he so easily grant me such a privilege?)


Towards Tian Cheng's question, Dao He Tian Xue raises his right hand with his index finger pointed at the former.

Momentarily, a black and white crest—manifests, at the tip of Dao He Tian Xue's finger. The design of this symbol is a fox with ten tails.

Receiving the black and white crest from Dao He Tian Xue, and taking it as his answer to her question, Tian Cheng asks—


"I once told that foolish disciple of mine—that I can shield him for a brief instance; but I cannot shield him for a lifetime. That brief instance has long passed."

As Dao He Tian Xue heaves a sigh, Tian Cheng recalls the circumstances—that the former had been faced with, during Long Hua's previous life.

"Dao He Tian Xue, are you still...? You?"

Towards the question, Dao He Tian Xue smiles beneath his mask, and replies—

"Whatever that brat does from here on out, is up to him. He'll bear the consequences on his own, and if his decisions—ultimately lead him to ruin... So be it, I can no longer be there to give him advice."

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