Chapter 20

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I don’t quite remember the drive back to the apartment complex. Perhaps that is dangerous to admit, but my mind was occupied by the beautiful woman sitting in the car with me. When it was safe to do so, I kept my hand on her upper thigh. I was able to touch just a bit of her bare skin and I could feel the fire between us. I quickly jumped from the car once it was safely in park and hustled over to the passenger side just as Elizabeth was stepping from the vehicle.

“My place or yours?” 

“Mine is closer,” she replied. Wasting not even a moment, we made the trek across the parking lot and to the entrance to her downstairs apartment. She was fumbling with her keys and my ass was getting impatient.

“Give me those,” she gasped as I took the keys from her hand and unlocked the door myself. I tossed the keys on the catch-all table right inside her apartment and closed the door once we were both inside. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” I captured her lips with mine and together we moved down the hallway to her bedroom.

Since we were alone this time, I didn’t have to worry about silently moving or closing doors with too much force. I didn’t close her bedroom door at all, there was no time, I had to get her naked and buried inside of her. We continued to kiss as we removed each other’s clothes in a hurry. Before I knew it we were both down to our final piece of clothing, her barely-there underwear, and my tented boxer briefs.

“What are you waiting for, Dalton?” She purred as her hand ran up and down my chest.

I brush back her hair and kiss her forehead. “I’m just enjoying every moment I get to spend with you, Baby.” 

“What about the moment when you put this,” she cups my cock, “into me.”

“Fuck,” I growl. “You’re so god damn sexy.” I grab a condom from the side table and push down my boxers. While I slide the rubber over my erection, Elizabeth shimmies off her panties and kicks them off the bed. I settle between her legs and slide into her while kissing her again. These moments we spend together are becoming some of my favorites. Elizabeth makes me feel whole again, a feeling that I never thought I’d feel again.

She makes these little mews and moans as our bodies move together. The noises drive me crazy, in a good way, and I keep doing what I’m doing to bring her pleasure. She makes a tiny gasp and I know she’s close. I slide my hand behind her neck and dive deep into the kiss as she reaches her climax. Her body tenses for a moment and her nails dig into my back. The way her core squeezes the life out of my cock causes me to reach my peak shortly after hers. When both our orgasms subside, I fall over onto my back, and Elizabeth curls into my side.

“Mmm, you’re pretty good at that, you know?”

I laugh and kiss the top of her head, “Thank you. A man always loves a good compliment. I mean, the quivering that you do under my body when you orgasm was a good sign that you were enjoying yourself.”

Elizabeth barks out a laugh, “Well, since you didn’t need me to actually tell you anything.”

I loop my arm around her back and move her on top of me, “I told you, I don’t mind hearing a compliment from you at all. Hopefully, the orgasms will keep you from realizing that you’re totally out of my league.”

“I’m out of your league?” She laughs while dragging her fingers down my chest, “I’m a single mother almost in her forties. I don’t think I’m out of anybody’s league, Dalton.”

“And I’m a single dad who is the same age as you, not to mention that whole messed up leg thing,” I glance down at my injured leg.

“Well, from what I can see, you’re recovering nicely. Maybe your new physical therapist isn’t that bad after all.”

Unbreak My Heart (Strawberry Inn Book #4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora