Chapter 17

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This Thanksgiving was one for the books and the night wasn’t even over yet. For so long, this holiday was one that I didn’t pay much attention to. Since I had been mentally removed from my mom and physically away from my dad for so long, it was always just Eva and me, not exactly different from our regular nights. Sure, I’d get a small turkey or roast a chicken and work together in the kitchen to put together our own special meal, but we didn’t spend it with hordes of other people. Dalton’s friends are so much fun to hang out with, I knew going into it that we’d have an excellent night.

Excellent doesn’t even begin to explain it. I should have known Angela and Blair couldn’t do anything small. The conference room of Strawberry Inn was turned into a paradise of the fall variety. I don’t even want to know how long they spent taping fake leaves up on the walls to make the theme come to life. Not only were the couples and kids invited, but any of them who had parents in town and even a few guests that were staying at the hotel joined in.  I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such an event and I was so glad that I accepted Dalton’s invitation.

“I don’t think these two are going to make it to the movie portion of the night.” I was lost in thought, watching the houses go by when Dalton commented about the two girls in the backseat. I took a quick glance and smiled. We were less than a ten-minute drive from the hotel to our homes and they were already asleep.

“I think it was that fifth round of pin the feather on the turkey that did it.”

Dalton chuckled, “It couldn’t possibly be the two slices of pie.”

Angela and Blair did not skimp on the food either. They had two turkeys, one roasted and one fried, all the traditional fixings, and four different types of pie. I am pretty sure their moms and in-laws helped with the spread, but it was still impressive. Both girls went back for seconds of pie. I happily did as well.

“I’m just glad I wore this dress. It’s hiding a very large food baby.”

“I will, in no uncertain terms, be changing out of these pants the second I walk in that door.” Dalton moved his hand over to my side of the car and linked his fingers to mine. “I know we were going to do the movie and sleepover thing with the girls, but I think we might need to reschedule.”

I was a little disappointed because I was looking forward to some time spent with Dalton. We still hadn’t gone out on that date yet and every moment I get to spend with him I cherish. Especially considering he was even closer to getting back to work. At the end of January, he would be taking a physical with the county fire department, and if he passed he’d be cleared for duty. He was counting down the days until he could get back to work, but I knew that meant he would be working long shifts and things would be different between us.

“You know,” I began to suggest, “they may be asleep, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have the sleepover. We can get them tucked in and cozy in  Eva’s room and then you and I could spend some time together.”

“I’d like that, but on one condition.”

“What’s that?” I inquired.

“I’ll carry Katie into your apartment, but then I have to put on different pants. I’m dying over here.”

I throw my head back laughing, but quickly cover my mouth so as not to wake up the girls, “If you’re changing into comfy clothes, then I am too.”

“Deal,” he glanced over for a moment and smirked. He was so gorgeous it almost took my breath away. 

Eva and Katie were moved from Dalton’s vehicle to Eva’s bedroom without so much as a peep from either one. While Dalton went back to his place, I made sure both girls had blankets on and turned on a nightlight in the bedroom and the bathroom just in case. I changed into my favorite pair of leggings and a soft cotton long-sleeve shirt. I also poured myself a glass of wine and opened one of Dalton’s favorite beers.

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