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after waiting for a few moments of hugging we heard someone come in. i stood up and saw mrs. freeman. 

"now care to explain?" she asked looking at us. 

"um well where to start?" i said

"well you can start at the part where it all began like your stories." she said sitting at a desk. 

"well basically me and shane" i started pointing to my lover/bestie (its a bit complicated) "we have been best friends since kindergarten and we have always done dance together. since i have gotten into high school my mom has tried to force me to stop dancing and acting so i can become part of the company her and my dad owned. when i would constantly turn the boys down she began to grow tired of me. she has slapped me one night and then told me i couldn't do dance anymore. this is when my dad finally got a divorce and then 3 moths later here we are. the judge decided i would go with mom and she has controlled me since, until today when shane and i basically ran away and in here." i said. 

"oh sweetie, i'm sorry" she said hugging me. "you don't deserve that but what are you going to do about it?"

"me and my friends are going to fight for her." shane said stepping beside me. 

"well count me in." she said. i smiled and thanked her. we ended up helping her close down and then she drove us to shane's friends house. it started raining on the way down. i just thought to myself 'i'm not good enough for shane.' realizing everything that was happening i don't know how he could want me anymore and he definitely can't know what mom does when i do stuff like this. yes this was not the first time i had disobeyed. when she dropped us off on the correct street she drove home. i knew this street it was two streets over from my moms house. shane began to walk to the house as i walked the opposite direction. 

"y/n stop the house is this way" but i just continued wanting to get this punishment over with. i began to cry until footsteps hitting the puddles and a hand entertwining with mine turned me around. 

"where are you going?" he asked

"to my moms house its two streets over the big gray one amongst all the white ones. why?"

"well you're walking away towards the person you hate. why?" he asked

"because you'll never be able to fight for me. my mom has everyone wrapped around her finger and they will always choose her side." i yelled over the pouring rain. 

"ok well we'll find another way" he yelled 

"we can't shane. this is it. this is where i am and no one can save me this time. not the boys. not dad. not even you. and i don't mean that in a rude way but we have to face the truth." i said

"no i can save you and she can't do anything. its not like she's gonna beat you for going against her." he yelled

"but she does shane. you think i just excepted that i was gonna live here forever. no! i tried to fight my way out. i tried to run away and have friends help me with a court case but nothing works. that's why i know as soon  as i walk through the doors of my house tonight she's gonna do the same thing she has before. she'll use as a punching bag and bruise me in places no one can see because she has to put on the perfect act and i have to follow along. believe me shane i have tried to make my way back to you but nothing works." i ranted. i just told him my mom abuses me when i try to runaway. 

"y/n i didn't know-" 

"no one did shane because she has to lie and make everyone think i'm crazy when i tell them." i said "i have to go" 

"no you can't-"

"shane i have to. i'm sorry and i love you." i cut him off once again walking away. this was it. 

A Whole New World: Shane Davis x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon