Chapter 6: Day Off!

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It's been almost 2 days after I got discharged from Eintei, now I'm back working in Hakugyokurou.

I woke up later than I thought today, normally I would've been preparing a 7 course meal for Yuyuko, but Yuyuko says she will be staying with her friend for a few days. Normally I would've gotten ready for my shift in Suzunaan or Geidontei, but Kosuzu says she is doing some research with Akyuu and Miyoi says the old man is resting for the day after countless night shifts... Kourindou... Ryuunosuke got food poisoning or something...

Senchi: "Shit... I'm bored..."

When was the last time I've got nothing to do again?

Senchi: " least I can clean the mansion"

I pull myself out of the futon, and packing it into the closet. Heading down the wide empty wooden hallway, there're no sign of dusts nor filth. Oh right, I deep cleaned them yesterday...

Passing the garden, I spotted the White haired gardener practicing her blade. Her determined and fierce movement as she swings her blade can be terrifying and gorgeous at the same time.

One swing, a fallen cherry blossom pellet was cut in half evenly. She then brings the Katana back into the scabbard, sheathing the ever sharp blade. She breaths a relaxed sigh before noticing my present and greets me with a smile.

Youmu: "Oh, Senchi-dono. Good morning"

Senchi: "Morning to you too, Youmu. Sorry, I overslept"

Youmu: "It's quite alright, I don't really have any work on my hand either currently. Thanks to Senchi-dono, my work load here has reduced greatly"

Senchi: "So what do you do in free time when Yuyuko is not here?"

Youmu: "Me? Mmm... usually just practicing swordsmanship, playing with bonsai trees and playing shogi with myself"

Senchi: "You play Shogi with yourself?"

Youmu: "Yea?"

She points to her half ghost who is bouncing up and down to catch attention.

Senchi: "Yeah... but we can't play Shogi for the entire day"

Her half ghost seems to be a bit depressed after I said that...

Youmu: "What about training? I wonder how is Senchi-dono's swordsmanship"

Senchi: "I... never really held a sword before"

Youmu: "I thought you're gonna say you were working part time in some dojo in the outside world and a master swordsman or something"

Senchi: "I'm too busy to have hobbies like this... you're right about working in the dojo though, but I just swept their floor and that's it"

Youmu: "Heee~ that's something really unexpected from you, Senchi-dono. Hehe"

She let out a small giggle as she lays her hand on her chin.

Senchi: "W-what, isn't it a bit rude to laugh?"

Youmu: "No, it's not that... I'm just glad to know more about Senchi-dono. So there are things even Senchi-dono can't do"

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