Chapter 9: Hakurei Shrine feast

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Senchi: "Alright, this should do"

After securing the stability and durability of the new donation box with a few hit with a hammer, I pack up the tools and prepare to make breakfast before the sun is fully risen.

Heads into the newly cleaned kitchen, I plan to prepare a simple eggs and sausage breakfast for the three of us here.

As the sausages and eggs are sizzling on the pan coated with hot cooking oil. A half awake Reimu wanders into the kitchen, still wearing her pyjamas and a half done messy hair on her.

 A half awake Reimu wanders into the kitchen, still wearing her pyjamas and a half done messy hair on her

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ART BY NovelAi

Reimu: "Mmm~ munya... wha..."

Senchi: "Ah, good morning Reimu"

Reimu: "U...uu... mm... mornin'..."

Senchi: "Breakfast will be ready soon, remember to brush your teeth and get changed before eating"

Reimu: "mm'kay..."

After replying with zero energy in her voice, Reimu wobbles out of this room and do what I told her to do.


Suika: "Senchi~ ma boi~ gimme some sake~"

Senchi: "It's 7 in the morning..."


Senchi & Suika & Reimu: "Itadakimasu/Itadakinasu!/Itadakimasu..."

All three of us sits around a small round wooden table to have our breakfast. Suika can't seem to hold back on alcohol, drinks with one hand and holds a sausage on another. Reimu quietly picks up the sunny side egg with her chopsticks, grinding her gears in her head.

Senchi: "What's wrong, Reimu? Do you prefer scrambled eggs instead?"

Reimu: "Oh no it's not that. *Puts down egg* Can I ask you something?"

Senchi: "Okay?"


Reimu shouts and throws the pair of chopsticks at me, I barely dodged them out of instinct, the chopsticks impaled the wall behind me.

Senchi: "That was too close!! That would've pierced my skull"

Reimu: "S-Shouldn't you've gone after you finished!?"

Senchi: "Who says it's finished? It might be in shape but I still need to check it's quality. I only did that this morning"

Reimu: "So it's finished now huh?"

Senchi: "Yea, don't worry, I'll be gone by noon"

Reimu: "..."

Reimu let out a small grunt before continue to eat.

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