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WARNING! #Mature Content#

Third Person's P.O.V.

The Summer Olympics were to be held in Melbourne, Australia and the four were ready for the challenge. But Taehyung had a challenge to brave against before the competition.

"Uhh Jin...can I hold your hand?"

"What? Why are you sitting like this?" Jin asked to see Taehyung sitting straight and rigid on his seat "oh...is this your first time flying?"

And Taehyung looked at him with nervous beady eyes, nodding to the question.

"Aww...I got you baby" Jin cooed at him, patting at his head to see the arrogant asshole finally being terrified of something "don't worry...air travel is the safest way to travel..." Jin affirmed him "except the occasional hijacking...or the crashes in air during travel...or due to a malfunction in systems"

Taehyung's eyes were wide as saucers as he heard Jin.

"You forgot the turbulence that could be really dangerous due to bad weather" Jimin popped up from the seat in front to remind.

"But don't worry...according to stats, in an average there's only 8 accidents per year" Jungkook popped up from beside Jimin to inform.

"Yeah" Jin nodded to agree and Tae turned to him, eyes going wider still "you're not really helping you know...none of you are..."

Jimin and Jungkook had a laugh before they settled back in their seats.

"I'm just being honest with you because I love you" Jin said, patting at Tae's shoulder.

But he hadn't seen the way Taehyung's gaze was now settled on him to hear him say that he loved him. But his attention was taken away when the airplane started moving, the wheels rolling along the runway to take its position to take off and Taehyung instinctively grasped onto Jin's hand as he stiffened in his seat.

"Relax" Jin spoke leaning closer "the worst that could happen is we could die"

"Will you shut up!" Taehyung scolded him as his heart threatened to come out of his mouth.

"Even if we die...at least we'll die together" Jin giggled to see him be so terrified and pecked at his cheek "that's pretty romantic if you ask me".

It was a long flight but thankfully, they reached Melbourne in one piece and Taehyung finally sighed in relief. They were escorted to the hotel for now, where they were supposed to rest for the night and in the morning they'd move to the Lakeside Stadium in South Melbourne, one of the largest sports centres there.

So, after having their dinner they retired to their respective rooms, and Jin was too exhausted and jet-lagged to bother about dressing up after his shower. So, he just pulled on his boxers and curled under the blanket to go to sleep.

He woke up in the middle of the night to repeated knocking at his door, and cursed under his breath as he pulled himself out of bed to see who it was.

"What do you-" he was pushed back into the room as arms engulfed him in a warm hug and a familiar pair of lips crashed onto his as he heard the lock of the door click.

Jin felt a sudden rush of blood fill his face, and he snaked his arms around Tae to hug him back as they kissed. They hadn't been kissing for a long time, so with every kiss Jin learnt something new. Like by now he had learnt that when Tae kissed him, it wasn't a light gentle touch of lips, rather Tae kissed him with his entire body. His hands would hold him close, or caress his skin...he would take little breathers in between the kiss as he changed angles but wouldn't break the kiss...and Jin thought the sweetest thing was how he'd keep hold him a little tighter to himself whenever he'd try to break the kiss.

Love On The Tracks || Taejin Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora