Chapter one

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Tessa's POV

We've been at the compound for about 3 weeks, it's nice and everyone seems to like us except for Bucky and this girl Yelena who comes over sometimes.

Sabrina has been acting weird. She keeps on ignoring me and we used to hang out in one of our rooms but now all she wants to do is avoid me, or talk with Pietro.

She's the only one in my whole like I've told about my big ass crush on Pietro, I mean it's not really awkward to have a crush on him because I still can talk to him. Him and Wanda are our best friends.

Maybe she's just changing, we are only 17- well Wanda snd Pietro turned 18 last week and Sabrina turns 18 in two months which is April and I turn 18 in December.

I went to the common room where I saw Sabrina talking with Nat and Pietro, I smiled before sitting in an open seat next to Bucky who was Next to Steve.

Steve was separating Sam and Bucky because they kept on arguing about the best Disney movie.

Sabrina gave me a side look before drinking her water, she laughed at something Pietro said and kept on whispering to them.

A few minutes later Bucky scooted a little away from me, he was either scared of me or didn't like me- I'm going with option number two.

Sabrina gave me a side look before leaning towards Nat and Pietro, she kept side looking me while whispering. Pietro looked at me while holding back a laugh. All I heard was 'mom' and 'idiot'

I clenched my fists before breathing out. When she went to take another sip of her water I made the water fall over her "you bitch!" She slightly yelled at me while standing up.

Everyone looked from her to me. I stood up and walked away "what the hell just happened" I heard Bucky ask.

I shut my door before going on my bed and holding back anger, that's the fourth time she's said something bad about me in front of me and I don't know if she's been talking behind my back or not.

But now Pietro most likely thinks I'm an idiot or stupid. Sabrina is ruining my life right now.

Wanda walked in a few minutes later "you ok?" She asked "I'm fine" I had a tone.

"What's been happening between you and Sabrina?" She asked before laying next to me.

"She's being a bitch. That's what" I sighed "she's been ignoring me, talking crap about me and no one is doing anything about it. She just spread something about me to Pietro and Nat so now they finna hate me" I put a hand in my forehead.

"They won't hate you. And Sabrina is just... she's being stubborn" Wanda looked at me.

"Is she interfering you trying to date Pietro?" I gave Wanda a look "what?"

"I know you have a crush on him Tess" she giggled "it's really obvious and when your asleep I can read your mind" she smirked "Wanda!" I smacked her arm.

"I've had a crush on him since we were 11 and I've tried so hard hiding it. We've been becoming good friends and Sabrina was always so supportive but ever since we've been here she's been acting like I'm her enemy or something" I rambled.

"I'll talk to her, I promise. But for now maybe you should try to talk to Sabrina" she moved some hair out of my face and I smiled.


The next morning after training I went to Sabrina's room, I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Bri?" I asked, I saw her in the bathroom doing some makeup "can we talk..." I asked while walking up to her. "Gonna pour water all over me again?" She scoffed and put the mascara back in the bottle.

"I just want to talk about our friendship" I walked up to the door. "Do you... do you like Pietro?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" She turned towards me "I'm just asking"

"He's hot but I don't really like him, and plus you like him" she shrugged. "Why have you been talking behind my back?" I crossed my arms.

"I want to get the drama experience that we never got. So I started being a bitch to you so I would feel better" she walked past me after putting up her thin blonde hair.

I scoffed and turned around, "seriously?!" I almost yelled. "It's not like you would hurt me, I'm done being weak and nice" Sabrina smirked at me before walking out.

I groaned and followed her outside to the pool and that stuff, Steve and Sam were outside with lemonade.

"You can be strong and not be a bitch, Sabrina" I slightly yelled. "And you can be strong without being a pussy" she went to my face.

"I'm not a pussy. I just have feelings and not selfishness" she scoffed and we kept yelling at each other.

"Ever since ULTRON died you've been a whole different person!" I yelled. "Well maybe I'm trying to leave my past behind. Leave you in my past!" She screamed.

"Tessa, Sabrina that's enough" Steve yelled while standing up. "No. I don't think we're done here, little miss in love can't get over the fact I'm letting go of the past and chasing what I want" Sabrina clenched her jaw.

"Your a toxic bitch" I scoffed.

She used her super speed and punched me before pushing me in the pool.

"Sabrina Müller!" Steve yelled before I came back to the surface.

I went to the edge and climbed out, I coughed up water and Steve went up to me and put a hand on my back. "I'm fine" I said before coughing again.

I went to my room soaking wet and covering my chest.

"Wow what happened Tess?" Pietro asked "Sabrina happened" I scoffed and walked into my room.

Pietro followed me into my room, I angrily grabbed clothes from my closet for a shower to get chlorine out of my hair.

"Your cheek's all bruised" he came up to me and caressed the red bruise. "Well it hurts when someone uses super speed to punch you" I avoided eye contact.

I moved away and put my clothes in the bathroom before trying to brush my hair so it would be easier to wash.

"What's happening between you and Sabrina, Tess?" He leaned on the door frame. "She's just trying to ignore her past which means ignoring me" I sighed and turned to him after I finished brushing my hair.

He walked up to me and hugged me, I accepted and Buried my head into his chest "it's going to be ok" He kissed my head before moving away, I blushed before closing the door for a shower.

1149 words

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