.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ 014 *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙.

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they heard Sophie screaming again and they flew over the wall. the two birds looked for Sophie from high above.

when Y/n spotted her, she made a noise and flew down. Sophie was about to get chopped from a scarecrow but Y/n flew straight into its pumpkin face making it blind for a quick second.

the pumpkin ripped Y/n off its face and threw her. Agatha came flying down with her and they transformed back into their own bodies.

"Sophie." Agatha ran to her. she helped her up and started pushing her. "go, go!"

the tree girls ran away from the pumpkin man and stopped when they heard Tedros calling for her. "Sophie! Sophie!"

Agatha and Y/n grabbed Sophie's hands. "go to him. once he saves you, kiss him." Agatha til her.

"then, we're out of this madhouse." Y/n panted. "okay?" Sophie nodded her head. "go."

Sophie ran forward and Agatha and Y/n hid behind a big rock so they wouldn't be seen by Tedros.

the two were about to hug but the giant pumpkin came jumping out of the bushes and Sophie shrieked and hid behind a tree.

Tedros immediately started fighting it. the pumpkin kicked Tedros down on the ground and cackled. it dropped down on the ground and started crawling very fast to Tedros.

before it could do anything to him, Tedros cut his pumpkins face with Excalibur that started glowing.

the two stood up and started fighting again. pumpkin tried to cut Tedros with his scythe but he crouched down and blocked it.

he clashed his sword with his scythe and then in a matter of seconds, Tedros's sword was out of his grip and it flew straight to Sophie.

Tedros didn't back down and instead of fighting it he went to defending himself with his shield.

the pumpkin hit him again and again until Tedros fell down and the scythe cut through it and almost cut his face.

"Sophie, grab Excalibur." Agatha whispered to Sophie as loud as she could without getting noticed. "help him."

Y/n looked out to the field and saw that the pumpkins scythe was getting closer and closer to his face.

"fuck this." Y/n cursed and jumped up from her hiding spot.

"no, Y/n! get down."

Y/n ignored Agatha and grabbed two of her daggers out of their holster. Y/n ran a little closer and then threw them at the pumpkins head.

it turned his head and looked straight at Y/n. while he was distracted, Tedros jumped up and threw the pumpkin to the ground all while yelling.

he then dragged the pumpkin through the mud and up to a tree. the pumpkin punched him in the face making him groan and loosen his grip.

the pumpkin got out of his grip and kicked him in the stomach. Tedros went flying through the air and hit the ground with a loud thud.

Y/n pulled out two more daggers and ran at the pumpkins. the pumpkin sat this and went to swing at her but she slid right behind him and kicked it down.

she went to stab her daggers at his head but he rolled away and she stabbed the ground instead. the pumpkin stood up again and swung at her again and this time he cut her shoulder.

Y/n groaned but didn't let that affect her and threw the daggers at him. one of the daggers hit him in the side and the other one it's body.

Y/n went to grab two more when she felt something grab her wrist that forced her down on her knees. she looked at her hands and saw som tree roots had wrapped themselves around her wrists and pulled her down.

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