"Ignore Kori."

And he walked away. I looked at his back until I couldn't see him anymore.

"You okay, Y/n?" Irana asked, walking toward me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. But I'll be better soon, I hope."

"If you want to talk, we're here whenever you want." Ena confirmed.

I gave them a smile.

"Thank you, girls."

"You're welcome. That's what friends are for, isn't it?" Irana said.

"I guess"

"You guess? Only that?" She acted as if she were offended. "Come on, Y/n, mean it more! We're your friends, but not your firsts, you should know that it's one of the reasons why they're there."

"Irana doesn't accept vague answers, Y/n, you should know it." Ena sighed dramatically.

"Yeah, sorry."

I closed my locker after I took my things.

"Let's go to Homeroom?" I asked.

"Let's go!" Irana screamed.

Ena immediately punched her on her arm, stopping her from showing off even more.

"What was that for?"

"I don't know" Ena teased Irana, shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh come on Ena..."

The words slowly faded to my ears even though the conversation amused me. But as soon as I wasn't part of the conversation, the guilt was coming back.

"Are you sure you're okay, Y/n?" Ena asked me.

I snapped back to reality and stopped walking.

"Yeah! Yeah, it's nothing. Why?" I chuckled nervously.

"You passed our classroom, Y/n. You seemed lost in your thoughts."

I took a deep breath. Well, I guess all that was making me crazy again.


"You don't look well, what's wrong?" Sao asked me when we arrived in my room. "Is it because I have a girlfriend?"

"No. No! Not at all! She was kind at first. I didn't mind her."

"Then why? Why didn't you tell me what happened at your locker when I asked you?"

I looked at him and tears started appearing at the corner of my eyes.

"Because I would have felt guilty. If you had broken up with Yuuri because of me, I would have felt guilty."

"But it is not your choice to make! It's not your decision. I make my own decisions. And they shouldn't be done because of someone else's thoughts. I already broke up with her."

I raised my head to look at him, surprised.


"I broke up with her yesterday, right before I asked you what happened at your locker, because I knew she was lying when she told me you told her you loved me romantically."

"What? She told you what?" I didn't know what was going on. Either it was a big fat joke, either it was true but it seemed wrong.

"She said you told her you loved me romantically" he repeated.

"But I would never. It is not you..."

"I know. I told her, but she wouldn't stop. So, what really happened?"

"She told me..."

I took a deep breath.

"She told me to stay away from you. Because she was jealous, because she was blind, she thought I had feelings for you because of the way I acted with you."

"So she was finding a way to get rid of you"

"I answered no."

"I hope! If you would have said yes, I would have shaken you until you would have said no, dumbass."

I laughed.

"So now, tell me what's wrong" he ordered when we were done laughing.

And I told him. I told him everything about how I felt. How I felt the bad memories of last year come back stronger than I thought possible. I told him how I thought I was falling into that sea of depression I didn't want to approach. How I felt my fears coming back. How I felt like I was dumb, because I thought it happened only because I thought I wanted everyone's attention. It felt like that, but is it really like that? He made me question myself. And I realized something. I realized it was normal. I didn't actually went through the feelings I go through now when my parents' murderers were arrested. I had gone through a lot already and I needed to take a break. And that's now that it all comes back. The good memories, the bad memories, the thoughts, the problems, the friendships, the feelings, all of it. It almost felt like I was reviving what happened last year... but in my head.



(A/N) : Well, hi guys. I'm glad I made this chapter, mostly because we see Sao and Y/n more closer than ever. I mean, they are bestfriends. I thought it would be better if I made them have time like this together, since he wasn't there for her the year before because he couldn't. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were, but I didn't want to make the story repeats itself, mainly because we all know Sao would do anything for Y/n. Anyway, I hope you loved this. See you tomorrow.

"I'll always wait for you" (Oikawa x Fem!reader) Sequel to "My First Love"Where stories live. Discover now