I Cant Think Of A Good Chapter Title

Start from the beginning

"What?" Enid quickly asked in disbelief and before she knew it (y/n) was laying in bed beside her although he was over the blanket instead of under it.

"Get out of there" Wednesday frowned as she watched (y/n) lay his head back on the pillow.

"Let me sleep in your bed" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms once again.

Wednesday glared at the boy but slowly nodded. She hated to admit it but once again she was enjoying seeing the more forceful side the boy.

(Y/n) got out of bed before walking over to his bag and opening it. "Where can I change?" He pulled his pajamas out of the bag.

Enid quickly looked up and pointed to the corner on her side of the room that was closest to the door. "There's a folding screen over there"

(Y/n) nodded as he walked over there and extended the screen. "Practical" he nodded in approval before disappearing behind the screen. "Just like in the movies"

Enid quickly looked at Wednesday. "I can't believe you're actually doing this!" she whispered excitedly.

"Neither can I" Wednesday spoke exasperatedly in her normal tone. "This is nothing short of ridiculous and-"

Enid's singing interrupted Wednesday. "(Y/n) and Wednesday sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-I-N-G"

Wednesday glared at Enid much more harshly than she usually did. "Before I even get to how ridiculous you're being, the word kissing only has two S's"

"Not if you're doing it for a long time!" Enid laughed as Wednesday just sighed and walked back to her bed, tired of the colorful girl.

"Well I like the S's" (y/n) spoke as he closed the screen to reveal himself in a pajama shirt and pants. He took the clothes he had previously been wearing and dumped them in a garbage bag he had designated for laundry.

"Of course you do" Enid and Wednesday spoke at once, although one was much more teasing while the other was judging. Bet you can't guess which is which.

"Bed time then?" (Y/n) asked as he grabbed his Espeon plush and jumped onto the right side of Wednesday's bed.

Wednesday stared at the boy for a moment before walking away. (Y/n) was concerned for a moment before noticing the girl picking up her pajamas and walking to the screen.

Once Wednesday was in her pajamas, which consisted of an oversized sweatshirt and some sweatpants, she walked back towards her bed.

"She never wears sweatpants to bed" Enid spoke causing Wednesday to turn and glare at her.

"Silence" she demanded but Enid went on.

"What? Just stating what I'm seeing" Enid shrugged and was silent for a moment as Wednesday walked over to the bed. "I bet (y/n) would rather see how you usually dress for bed"

"Shut up Enid" Wednesday turned once again to glare at the girl.

"I'm just happy to be in the bed" (y/n) spoke quietly although they both heard him. He held his plush close to his chest and looked over at Wednesday. "You coming?"

Wednesday turned back and stared at him for another moment before slowly laying on her back beside the boy. She crossed her arms over her chest like a corpse as she closed her eyes. She could feel the boys eyes on her. "What?"

"You really take that whole sleep like the dead expression seriously huh?" He lay on his side and stared down at Wednesday's face.

"Absolutely" was all Wednesday replied. It was silent for another minute. "You're still staring" Wednesday spoke without opening her eyes, sounding slightly annoyed.

"I enjoy looking at you" she could feel the mattress move as the boy shrugged. "It's like looking at a dead girl... I mean- I meant you look peaceful! Like a girl in an open casket at a funeral"

"What the fuck?" Enid whispered to herself. She didn't know if the boy actually thought that or if he had just tried to flirt with Wednesday, had he succeeded if that was the case? She couldn't see them since she now had her eyes shut in an attempt to fall asleep.

Wednesday was silent for a moment as a small blush appeared on her face. The little bits of pink being the only thing giving her pale visage any color. "Go to sleep" Wednesday spoke as her blush slowly disappeared. "Or I'll force you back to your room"

"Yes ma'am" (y/n) quickly kissed the girls forehead before relaxing in the bed with his plush cuddled in his arms. "Bonne nuit ma petite cheri" he closed his eyes.

After a moment Wednesday opened her eyes and glanced at the boy. "Goodnight mon cher"she whispered before closing her eyes once again.

Word count: 1406

(More phenomenal fan art! This one is from @mayaelsherwood ! I appreciate you hon)

(More phenomenal fan art! This one is from @mayaelsherwood ! I appreciate you hon)

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