Chapter Thirty Five

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The day is pushing into mid-afternoon. Paris is awake and bustling with activity. The afternoon sun warms the skin before a breeze steals the heat away. Chat Noir sits on a high tower roof eavesdropping on a gang discussing their dealings.

(CN) I'm really surprised they haven't seen me yet. I'm just sitting here, not even trying to hide this time.

A young woman briskly walks down the alleyway clutching her purse with her head down. The clicks of her short heels not helping her go unnoticed.

The gang turn in her direction, one guy specifically coming close to her. She walks faster through the alley trying her best to avoid them. The hero's eyes narrow when the guy grabs her arm and pulls her into the group. Chat Noir calmly steps off the edge of the tower plummeting to the alley below.

After a few minutes, the woman was collecting her things off the ground. She kicks the man who grabbed her while he lay in pain on the concrete.

She looks up at Chat Noir as she pushes a few brunette strands behind her ear. "Thank you so much for helping me. I thought the worst was going to happen." Her cheeks turn red eyeing her hero.

"I was glad to be of service, madamoiselle. Just be safe next time you see any alley-cats near by." As he twirled his staff she tries to catch his attention once more.

"Chat Noir! I've always had the biggest crush on you! Do you think we could...get to know each other?" Chat turns to meet her blue eyes. He smirks lowering his head into a gentlemanly bow.

"Your offer is incredibly flattering." He stands tall again with a kind smile on his chiseled jaw. "But my heart has been stolen by another." His clawed hand rests on his chest in a dignified manner.

The woman's expression fell. "Could we at least be—" Before she could finish, the hero was gone. The woman slaps her face in embarrassment.

"Would you like to know who his mystery lover is?" A raspy voice asks the woman. She turns from here to there searching for the voice.

"Well, yeah. But who's there?"

"I can and will find any secret my public needs to know."

"...I'd like to know who he's in love with. I want to know everything about her and why she thinks she's good enough to be with an amazing guy like Chat Noir. I'm sure she's got some dirt in her past that she's keeping from him." Her curt words made the voice chuckle.

"Paris will soon know everything."

The voice doesn't respond again leaving the woman with her jealousy.


Ladybug and Snowfall land on the Eiffel Tower rails. Ladybug scans the area for her partner. "He's not here yet? I'll give him a call."

Snowfall sits on a rail with her legs hanging over the edge. She pets her tail over her lap. Her once blue eyes now gold. (SF) I wonder if Chat Noir will recognize me? My whole look changed a lot. Should I pretend I'm someone else to mess with him? But my name is still the same and Ladybug might not back me up. Plus, they probably already talked about it. It would've been fun to try it.

"Hey. I'm on the Eiffel Tower now with Snowfall. Get here when you can." LB hangs up her yo-yo.

(SF) Today sure is pretty. I always liked windy days with warm sunlight. It's perfect for wearing a jacket but if I'm not feeling too cold I can wear my flats or slides outside. And it wouldn't look weird because it feels nice but still a little cool... She swings her legs taking in the warm rays while the breeze blows through her hair. I actually like the pattern of this suit better. It makes my butt look big and my waist look smaller. Well, technically my waist is small cuz I'm a hero in pique condition. Man I still wish my boobs looked this good in real life. You couldn't tell me nothing if they did. I'd never wear a bra and I'd literally go buy one of those bikini tops that are meant for those implant boobs and take photos....maybe not. I'd actually would buy more of those lingerie bras. The ones I'm not sure anyone could look good in unless you are a manikin or have impl—

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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