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3rd Person - Leora hastily got into Steve's car. She didn't want to admit it but she was scared to find out the truth. If Eddie had done it she wouldn't be able to get over it. If he hadn't she would've felt terrible for accusing him. Either way she was terrified.

Once they pull up to the home of Eddie's dealer Leora started to panic. She wasn't ready to see his face. Not after the whirlwind of emotions she had faced these past few days. She was scared that if she looked into his eyes she'd break.

"Do you guys think I could maybe have a second before I go in with you?" She asked shakily. "I just have a lot on my mind." She said. Steve looked at the house and back at her. "I can't see why not." He said. "Take it easy" He patted her on the shoulder before turning around. She gave him a tight lipped smile and waited until everyone was out of view. As soon as she was sure that they couldn't see her, she broke down. She was terrified. What if he didn't want to see her? She sat and cried for 2 minutes before she went into the house.

Wiping the salty tears from her cheeks, she pulled herself together and braced herself for whatever was going to happen. She walked through the door and saw Steve poking a tarp that was over a boat with an oar. "Hey Leora! You're back" He said stopping what was doing to focus on the girl. It was no secret that Steve had feelings for her. They had went to the Snow Ball together in the eighth grade. For some reason he still couldn't shake the feelings he felt when he'd danced with her that day. "Take an oar" He said passing one to her. She noticed that when she grabbed it, their hands touched. And his hand lingered before pulling away. Making slight eye contact she took the oar and started poking the tarp with him.

"Leora's in on it too?" Dustin said annoyed. "Steve and Leora saving the day" He said sarcastically. "Dustin I'm really not in the mood-" She was off by someone pushing her against a wall. She looked up to see who it was. 

It was him.

He had a broken beer bottle against held against her throat. "Woah! Eddie calm down!" Dustin shouted. They made eye contact and immediately she knew. He didn't do it. She could tell he was holding back tears. She knew he felt guilty. She wanted to hold him and tell him it was going to be fine. She wanted to tell him that she loved him. But under these circumstances it would be hard for anybody.

"Why are you here?" He said to Dustin though not taking his eyes off of Leora. He was afraid that if he looked away she would disappear. He missed her. More than the words could explain. "We're here to help" Robin speaks up. "Eddie, these are my friends." Dustin says. "You know Robin, from band." Robin then imitated playing an instrument making Leora sigh as she wanted to be out of the position she was in. "This is Max, the one who never wants to play DND" Dustin said pointing to the fiery haired girl. "And you already know Leora" He said. "Now that we've gotten introductions out of the way could you please let her go" He said motioning towards the frightened girl. Eddie finally let her go and they both slid down the wall. 

Eddie looked over at her with a sad smile. "Hi" He said. "Hi Eddie" She chuckled. She was happy to see that he wasn't upset with her. "Maybe you should come over here" Steve butted in. "Wouldn't want you getting hurt right?" He didn't like what Eddie had just done. He thought that it was no way to treat someone like Leora. He never did understand what she saw in Eddie. She was so sweet and he was a freak. He didn't deserve her. "Yeah I guess so" Leora said slightly confused. He offered his hand to help her up and consciously pulled her closer to him.

The act didn't go unnoticed by Eddie. It angered him but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to scare Leora. "Eddie we just want to know what happened" Dustin said softly "You wont believe me" Eddie says, memories flooding back. He didn't Leora to hate him for leaving Chrissy. "Try us." Max said.

Eddie then told the group about how Chrissy wanted some drugs so they went to his trailer to look for it. "And when I came back, her body just like, lifted up in the air. And her body, just like hung there. And her bones." He then whimpers. "Her bones started to snap. And her eyes man. It was like there was something, inside her head, pulling." "Oh my god" Leora said with tears brimming her eyes. "I just need a sec" She said as she ran out of the boat house. "I'll go after her" Steve said. He found her outside crouched on the ground crying her eyes out. It pained him to see her like this. "You'll be fine okay?" He was shocked when she turned around and engulfed him in a hug. She was sobbing into his shirt but he didn't care. 

She looked up to see everyone walking out. "We're going out do research but Eddie wanted you stay behind" Robin says. "Wait what?" Steve said. He thought Eddie was dangerous. "The guy just wants to talk to his girlfriend Steve" Max says. She knew how much he loved her and how bad he was hurting. "He almost killed her!" He yelled. "Steve" Leora said putting her hand on his shoulder. "I'm alright" She says giving him a tight lipped smile. "I'll be fine right?" She said repeating his words to him. He looked between her and the boat house. "Fine. Just be safe." He said looking at the girl. "Bye Steve." She said with a smile.

Opening the door she immediately sees Eddie on his feet fiddling with him hands. "You wanted to talk?"

A/N - 1030 words! I planned so much for this chapter but it started getting too long. I was also thinking that I could do Eddie/Billy imagines? I'm not really sure yet. I just think they would be really easy and simple. Anywho I hope you enjoy! <3

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