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Leora - I flutter my eyes open being shaken awake by my mom. "Leora! You have to get up!" she says. "What's going on?" I say rubbing my eyes. "Someone murdered Chrissy!" she says frantically. I shoot up out of the bed. This can't be happening. "What?" I say with tears pricking my eyes. "Who did it?" I ask afraid of the answer. "We're not sure yet." she says cupping my face in her hands. "But we'll find them okay? Just trust me."

3rd person - Leora couldn't wrap her mind around the news she had just heard. It was all so confusing. She knew that Chrissy had been at Eddie's house the previous night. She didn't want to believe that it was him but she couldn't help but put the pieces together in her head. She knew Eddie was most likely the last person she had spoken to. And the disturbing call her mother had gotten from him really didn't help his case at all. 

She kept repeating his words in her head "It wasn't me." "It wasn't me." He couldn't have been talking about this right? Eddie would never do something like this. He couldn't have. He wouldn't have. Leora walked to the shower and turned it on waiting for the water to get hot. While she waited she stared at the wall thinking about what went wrong. Maybe Eddie didn't cheat and she was overreacting. Maybe they were just assigned as partners and they had a project to do. Maybe she didn't hear Chrissy's voice on the phone at all. Stepping into the shower she decides not to go to school and have the day off. Lathering her body wash onto her loofah she reminisces on the days Eddie would help her shower when she was sick


"Eddie can you please come over? I think I caught the flu." She says groggily "Yeah I'll be over in a second just stay where you are okay?" He says in a rushed voice. "Okay." She chuckled softly. "I'll see you when you get here." She says hanging up the phone.

After what felt like hours (even though it was only 15 minutes) Leora heard a soft knock on her bedroom door. "Come in" She said with her slightly cracking. The door slightly creaked open and Eddie popped his head in the room with a beaming smile on his face. "Hi sweetheart." He said sweetly. "Guess what I got you" She poked her head up from the pillow she had her head lying on. "Soup?" She asked quietly. "Soup!" He said happily making her smile.

 "Come. Get in the bed with me. My nose is stuffed and I feel like death." She said scooting over to make sure he had room. "I really think you should take a hot shower." He said. "The steam will help with your nose" He said pulling the blankets off of her. "Eddie stop!" She said laughing. He swiftly picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. "Stay right there while I get everything ready." He said. After starting the shower he walked into her room grabbing her favorite pair of pajamas, a vanilla scented candle, and a pair of comfy socks. He went back into the bathroom to find her undressed and in the shower. He quickly stripped of his clothes getting into the shower with her. 

"Hi" He said smiling. "Hey" She said returning the smile. He grabbed her loofah and lathered her body wash onto it. It smelled of jasmine oil and honey. "You know I really like that you call me for things like this." He said washing her back. "Why's that?" She asked. "I don't know." He said. "It feels good to be needed I guess" She turned around to look at him. "I love you Eddie." He pulled her closer to him  "I love you too."

end of flashback

Before she knew it, it was already 9:00. She had been standing in the shower for an hour straight. Thinking about him. Even tough her feelings were justified she still felt horrible for removing him from her life. She missed seeing pictures of the two of them together hung up in her room. She thought maybe she should go back to Dustin's to get one of the pictures back. Just one wouldn't hurt anybody right?

She tried to call ahead to let him know she'd be stopping by but for some strange reason he didn't answer. She called her old friend Robin Buckley to see if he'd come by the Family Video where she worked. They'd met at summer camp when they were little girls. They weren't the best of friends but they were always there for each other. 

"You've reached Family Video. This is Robin speaking. How can I help you?" She heard Robin's voice say. "Hi Robin. It's Leora." she said. "Do you have any idea where Dustin is?" She heard Robin sigh. "He's actually just walked in." She said. "Is that Leora?" Dustin yelled snatching the phone. "Leora is that you?" Dustin said out of breath. "Y-yeah it's me. Are you okay?" She said a little startled. "I need you to come to the Family Video RIGHT NOW" He yelled again. "What's going on Dustin?" "No time to explain" He said. "Just get over here now" He said before abruptly hanging up the phone.

Leora figured it must have been important with the way Dustin was yelling. So she got dressed, grabbed her car keys and headed out of her drive way. While she was driving she noticed the guitar pick necklace Eddie had given her swinging on her rear view mirror. She quickly threw it off and chucked it into her backseat.

Once she made it to the store she saw everyone standing behind the counter in a sort of huddle. Dustin looked up finally noticing her after a few seconds. "Thank god you're here Leora" He says getting up and hugging the girl.

 "I'm sure you already know but Chrissy was murdered last night and her body was found in Eddie's trailer?" She froze. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "W-what are you talking about? In Eddie's trailer?" She said, her eyes brimming with tears. "I guess you didn't know" Dustin said feeling slightly awkward. "The good part is that we're about 98% sure that he didn't do it. We also know where he is and we were hoping you'd come with us to see him?" She couldn't believe Dustin was asking her to go see him. 

"He could've killed Chrissy" She said with a straight face and stern tone. "But he didn't" Dustin said. "And how do you know that?" She asked. "Because I know what kind of person he is. He has a heart of gold and you know it." He said looking at her. "So are you coming?" He asked hopefully. She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Fine."

A/N - Hey y'all! I'm sorry I went like 2 days without updating. I've been a bit busy lately. I really hope you all enjoy! <3

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