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As you turned around and your Eyes were screaming death as they met Gojo's (his blue eyes were shining brightly at yours, as he was going to say something you cut him off and say.) You should choose your next word carefully. (Before Gojo can say anything, Geto pulled him by the shoulder and said.) Why don't we sit down and speak and pardon me for his rudeness? (Sending a soft smile toward you, You nodded in agreement. Breaking the gloominess, you again sat in the same place you sat before.)

We didn't mean to offend you, it's just that The Shima Clan has its very own history with The Big Three Clan and us. They run the whole Japans Yakuza behind the curtains and are close associates of us. (Making Geto and others quiet down, you said.) If you want something from Shima Clan, you should ask them directly because I left the clan years ago. (Gojo spoke up and said.) But aren't you the clan leader of the Shima clan and conglomerate? (You answered simply with a.) No, and it'll be better if you refrained from associating me with them, they have no contact with me as of today.

Hmmm... I see, in that case, I'll ask you one last question about the Shima clan. How come you don't know anything about the big three clans and about us too? (You answered Gojo's question in another question.) How come you know about me but don't know about my past?

(Yuta answered) it's kept under wraps by the Higher Ups and w- (before he could finish his sentence you asked.) And who might you be? (Gojo answered) Yuta Okkotsu Yuji's senior. And just like you don't know about us, we don't know about your past relations or current with the Shima clan. (You answered him and said.)

Hmm... I guess so. My mother is not Japanese but, my father still married her. She refused to stay at the clan, so she left us behind for a year when I was 4, and my infant brother and then my father decided to leave the clan too, and live with my mother. From then on until the age of 18 I lived with them. So there you have it, and now it's your guy's turn.

Well, it'll be pointless but even so, we're the members of the big three clans or another Megumi is the clan leader of The Zenin Clan and Maki is from the Zenin clan too. Yuta is a distant relative of the Gojo clan, Yuji, Nobara and Geto are not from the clans. Oh.. And Inumaki is from the Inumaki clan, and I'm the leader of the Gojo clan.

Okay, but I thought it was to meet Yuji's friends it turns out to be not even, so I want to be friends with you guys it's my first time making friends with someone I can really call a friend. Setting aside the fact I'm from The Shima clan, if guys want, we can be friends, and you too Gojo san. It was nice and chaotic meeting you all, well then I'll be taking my leave now. (You stood up ready to leave.)

No. Shima san wait I-I would like to be friends with you and sorry I didn't know it would turn out like this, we decided to meet you because. I wanted to an-and it was Gojo sensei, he said he had something to say. So I invited him, but I'm really sorry it made you uncomfortable. Even so, I want us to be friends, so please don't leave. (Yuji said those words so loudly, it almost sounded as if he was begging you not to go, and everyone was as surprised as you as he said that. You smiled at him, and then Gojo spoke up.) Don't worry about that, let's be friends and get to know each other, Yuuko Chan. (He said playfully, smiling brightly at you, and you burst out in laughter and said.) What is this? I can't believe it's that easy and well we'll be friends, Gojo san. (You said with a soft smile, making Gojo flush while the others were flustered. Because of how easygoing you were, all the tension which was there just until a minute ago was now gone as you sit down and started to talk as if nothing happened before.)

Hey! Yuji aren't you hungry because I'm hungry, and it's lunchtime already, why don't we all have lunch together? (Yuji nodded at your suggestion and asked the servants to prepare food. You asked him.) Why is that you live in a Traditional Japanese house in the middle of Tokyo? Don't take it offensively, I was just curious.

Oh.. That, my brother, likes it, so he built it here. (And went to the kitchen.)

I see, he must be an exciting person to know.

Yeah.. Yeah, he is a very intriguing person to know. (Said Gojo hastily, and you asked.)

I know Gojo san is the hire of the Gojo conglomerates, but what do you guys do? 

They all are either hire or run their own company like Geto, Yuta and Yuji works with his brother like Maki and Inumaki is the hire of the Inumaki company on the other hand Nobara works as a model.

Hmm.. Geto san is very quiet, isn't he, Gojo san? (Gojo started to giggle at your opinion, and Geto just looked in your direction with eyes wide open and smiled nervously.) Yuuko Chan, he's not like what you think he is. He i- (before Gojo could finish what he was saying, Geto put his hands on his mouth. They both started to fight over who is more annoying, you were watching them fight and Nobara spoke up and said that. She and Maki were leaving, Yuta tried to stop them, but both looked over at Gojo and left together. All of you watched them leave and as soon as they left you asked out loud and clear that everyone could hear you.) Are they dating? (They all looked in your direction in unison.) Why is everyone staring at me? (Megumi replied)

They are, but they deny it. It's obvious, even so, they deny the fact they're dating each other. (Inumaki nods and says salmon. Megumi cuts him off and says.) Are you the one to talk, we all know that Inumaki senpai and Okkotsu senpai are dating each other too. So you don't need to try to hide the fact, senpai. (At that, both Yuta and Inumaki were flustered and denied the fact, and Yuta said.) Sensei, I think we'll be heading out first, something came up. (And left with Inumaki. Gojo moved his hands and called you to come near. You did what he asked, and he said in a low, whispering tone.) Megumi likes Yuji but denies that, and he made them all leave because he wants to be alone with Yuji.

Ohhh.. Right, now it all makes sense, Maki is an Alpha just like Yuta and Megumi. And Yuji, Toge, and Nobara are all Omegas. (Hmm.. You and Gojo both hummed with closed eyes, as Geto and Megumi both thought to themselves.) Looks like they both share the same brain cells. (Breaking them from their thoughts, Yuji who was in the kitchen popped up and asked.) Where are they? The food is ready. (Megumi answered his question.) They all left because something came up. (Hearing that, Yuji made a disappointed face. Seeing him like that, Megumi canceled his plan to send you, Geto, and Gojo home and said.) Well, Shima san and Gojo and Geto sensei are here, why don't we eat the food before it gets cold? (Yuji smiled softly and went to the kitchen to check the preparations. (Suddenly, Gojo asked you.) How come you don't smell like an Alpha? No, actually, you don't smell like anything at all. If you were an alpha, that would explain that you knew about them being omega or alpha? What are you?

I am not an Alpha, I am a Dominant Omega, and when I turned into one because of a pheromone condition I don't smell like a dominant omega, plus I wear clothes that block pheromones from spreading out. I can smell other's pheromones and tell if they are omega or alpha. Just like how I know Geto san, Megumi and You are all Alphas. (Geto spoke up.)

You were very pretty and didn't react to our pheromones, So I thought you were an Alpha on the smaller side. Compared to me and Satoru and Megumi. (Yuji came in, and the food was served, and you all enjoyed your food after chatting for a while you all said goodbye to Yuji and left. As you were driving, you thought to yourself.) I didn't think that we would become friends so easily.

 After that day. Three days went by as you continued to work at your company, and you didn't have the chance to meet Yuji or others, but you texted or called each other. Today Yuji didn't call you, and you were in your office working late at night the weather was cloudy, and it was going to rain anytime now. Suddenly the thunderstorm struck, and your phone started to ring, it started to rain outside. You answered the call.

Hello, oh Yuji how's it going today?

Um.. Shima san can you please come to my house urgently right now? (He sounded nervous.)

Okay, but what happened ?

I'll tell you once you come here.

Okay, then I'm heading to your house right now. (You agreed because of how nervous Yuji sounded and Checked the time before heading out at 11:27 AM)

Yakuza meaning: Mafia or, a powerful Japanese criminal organization.

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