The Core Message

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We all do bad things. Have you lied? Stolen? It's not a good thing. We can never repay people for what we do to them. But isn't that unfair?

There has to be objective morality, because if not, the world would go into ruin. And as we look around we see things were made: they do not just occur randomly. God made laws so that we don't fall into chaos. We have sinned against Him by doing things wrong, every single one of us. He said in the beginning if you do this - which is called sin - you shall die. And we do: we die when we get old or get killed or have health issues. It's because of the existence of bad things that this happens. If we do bad things, we also deserve a second death, a.k.a. hell.

Fortunately, God provided an atonement, a way out so we don't have to get what we all deserve. Having sinned, we will die, but we need not suffer the deserved second death. The Father who is God sent His Son who is God to preach and eventually die.

But because Jesus was truly human and truly God, he was human to be able to pay as a human and God to not inherit that sin Adam and Eve committed, so he didn't deserve death like we do.I f you don't sin, you don't die, and we have all sinned. But Jesus didn't sin, yet he died, undeservedly. He was killed. He didn't deserve death at all, meaning he paid for our debt of evil deeds. On the cross, He suffered under the wrath of God that we deserve, and after three days He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death. But he left a condition: we have to believe that he did this for us and apologise for bad things we did and turn from our bad ways. Then we will spend eternity with Him. Why doesn't God save everyone? Because we do not desire the true God in our initial state due to sin. We need a Saviour, and we need God to draw us to Him. You cannot have the free gift if you don't believe He exists and you can't have it either if you believe He exists but don't even believe He died and rose again, God and Man, for His people. Repent and turn from your sin today so that you only have one death and the rest is eternal life, a better one, with God.

Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; nobody gets to the Father except through me." On reading the Gospels, we can see that Jesus admits He is God and the Messiah, the Only God.

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