Chapter 2: The dream, the power...

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I was standing in the corner of my room. It was dark and I was freezing but I still could see somewhat clearly. I saw myself, still lying in bed, eyes closed, breathing rhythmical and calm. I could feel the panic in my legs and my mouth becoming dry. What is going on???
I was scared. I looked around. Nothing was there. Everything looked normal. I looked down on myself. I was real. I could see my hands, my feet, my legs, my clothes. But how?
I was both standing here and sleeping in my bed.
I looked around once again. My gaze ran through my room, stopping at my mirror. I could feel cold sweat running down my back. My eyes...They were red. Glowing. My hand moved to my face. Touching my cheek, moving up to my eyes. I closed one. Then I opened it. The glowing still wasn't gone. Am I going crazy? Or is this just a dream?
The longer I stared the brighter my eyes shone, in this sharp red, until my whole room was drenched in it.
And then it all went black.

I woke up sweating and nearly hyperventilating. I was shaking. My eyes were jumping from one point to another in my room. So it was a dream? I've never felt a nightmare so real.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened them and I looked back into the mirror. No glowing. I let out a heavy sigh and finally relaxed all the muscles in my body. I only then realized how fast my heart was racing when it began to calm down again. I ran my fingers through my hair. It was wet from all the sweating.

I couldn't sleep for the next hour or so. I decided it was a good idea to cover the mirror up. It scared me. I took a jacket that was laying around and put it over the mirror with closed eyes. After that I was finally able to sleep again. This time without any interruption.


I woke up to my alarm clock ringing mercilessly. I wasn't feeling ready for the day. But as soon as I opened my eyes, I felt a piercing pain in both of my eyes. I put my hand over my left eye, which hurt more.
I immediately went to tell my mom. I definitely couldn't go to school like this.

"Ash, where were you? You skipped 4 classes!", Lynx immediately asked holes into me before I even entered the classroom. They're my best friend but they have a little too much energy for my liking sometimes. "Calm down. Geeze. I'm here now" ''But you weren't there ten minutes ago, so tell me!" Lynx was persistent as always. "My eyes hurt so I went to the doctor. Happy now?" I looked at them, watching their grin grow over both cheeks. "Very" "Good"
I took a seat just in time for the bell to ring and the new lesson to start.

The doctor had given me eye drops which numbed the pain. She said I probably spent too much time reading and staring at a screen. I hope that's true.

During another lesson, I was staring out the window once again, I noticed something. Something that would let the blood freeze in my veins and that'd take my breath away. In the reflection in the window, I could see my eyes. They weren't gray-blue like they were supposed to. Once again, it was the color red. And they were glowing.
I nearly let out a scream and jumped a meter back. But I could stop myself. I was still in class after all.
After that I focused on class, too afraid of looking back into the window. I didn't want to see it again. I'm definitely losing my mind.

I was sitting in the bus, tired and exhausted from the day and the night before. My head was resting on the window again and I had closed my eyes, in order to avoid seeing something again. This all felt like an absolute nightmare.
Right when the bus hit a pothole and the whole vehicle made a small jump, my eyes opened a little when the bus was slightly lifted into the air, but what I saw wasn't the inside of a bus, but I was looking at the street from outside. The whole scene had a red filter on it and my left ear was ringing. I watched as the bus drove down the street as a squirrel jumped down from a tree. Only a few seconds later, it got squished by the wheels of the bus. My eyes closed as the wheels of the bus hit the ground again and my eyes automatically closed on their own.
A few seconds later I could hear the busdriver cuss "Oh fuck, was that an animal". My whole body warmth left me and suddenly it was freezingly cold. I was shaking and sweating and my legs felt like pudding.

As soon as the bus reached my stop, I jumped off and ran home. As I closed the door to my room behind me, I pushed my back against it and slid down to the ground uncontrollably sobbing as tears were streaming down my face. What's going on??? 

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