6. Arrived

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    After a couple minutes gaege stopped the car and parked it. He pulled out a basket and a bottle of wine, u got to out of the car and u saw a beautiful view of the city. You where on a cliff. He laid a small blanket on the ground and told u to sit down. "I know it's not the best but it's a pretty view...I tried" he let out a nervous laugh "i-its beautiful seriously thanks for taking me here" u say in a astonished tone "oh umh y-your welcome" he says surprised

    You sit down and he opens the basket, he pulls out two wine glasses, fruit and sandwiches. He pours wine in both of the glasses, you take a sip and pick up ur sandwich. You took the first bite and was immediately surprised...it was the most delicious sandwich you've ever had. The rest of the night u guys talked and laughed a bunch.
*time skip*

     He drops u off and before u get out of the car u peck him on the lips and run out of the car, you open ur front door and slam the door. U got ready for bed and feel asleep almost immediately

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A/N  i really hope u guys are liking the story so far I really tried to make it good lol anyways next part will be out in a couple of weeks (hopefully I get busy) sorry if it doesn't!!

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