Part 17

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"The curse that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family.
The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to you, we celebrate a new beginning.
One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side.
And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family.
Always and forever." Hope, Freya and Klaus, now finally untited sat around the breakfast table.
"Would you please pass the beignets?"
"Of course." Freya passed a a tray full pf beignets to her niece.
"So, Rebekah will be back in a few days." Klaus continued. "She's just tying up some loose ends overseas."
"It'll be nice to have her here." Hope admitted.
"It'll be good to have all of us under one roof again." Her aunt added.
"Good morning." Elijah walked in as prim and polished as ever, his hair equisitely gelled back, wearing one of his many suits. Those two words were enough to ruin the mood of everyone. Hope tensed yet Elijah continued oblivious of what was going on in the room. "Obviously, there is a lot for us to discuss. Hope, let me begin by telling you how truly sorry..." With each word, with each step Elijah made towards her Hope grew more tense and with nowhere to unleash it, she folded her fork in half.
"Thanks for breakfast, guys, but I have homework to catch up on." Without a glance at Elijah, pretending he wasn't there at all Hope fled the room.
"That's not normal." Klaus threw his napkin on the table. "She's not normal."
"Her mother lays half dead, Niklaus."
"I shouldn't have come down here."
"At least you can claim amnesia, unlike our sister, who willingly aided a child in ruining her life."
"Hope is not a child."
"Did you even consider what absorbing all that magic could do to her?"
"And what choice did I have?"
"Deny her. Defy her. We had a plan to keep the dark magic away from her."
"A plan that wasn't working."
"Yes, well, thanks to you, the magic has her now. So, if my daughter should be harmed in any way, shape or form, I will hold you personally responsible." Klaus got up, making his way to Hope's room.
"I know you're there." Hope spoke without turning around, focused on her canvas.
"I didn't want to disturb you."
"Dad, if you're worried, I'd wish you just say something.
Helicopter parenting isn't really your thing."
"You bent a fork in half."

"Better than sticking it in the side of Elijah's neck."
"He wasn't himself, Hope."
"I don't care. Okay? I'm not ready to forgive him, memory or not."
"So, it's just Elijah, then?" Klaus asked. "Nothing more?"
"All right. I'll keep saying this until you believe me: I'm okay. I promise.

Look, I know that you think I made a mistake doing that spell, but I swear I thought it all out. This had been my plan all along, that's why I staged mom's abduction in the first place. So I could get all of the Originals here and I could take the power back.

And you know what, I'd do it again, because for once we're in the same room, and the world's not ending.
I go in one room: there's you and when I go into another room there's mom. How beautiful is that?" Hope grinned at Klaus' sceptical face. "I can stay with both of you under one roof."

"You know, every day I marvel at your strength and your grace, all of which certainly came from your mother. I never doubted your brilliance but I do worry for you all the same. I will never forget the time we almost lost you to that magic." Stealing a glance behind Hope, Klaus caught sight of what she'd been painting one moment ago. It was a calm sight of nature, all green and blooming. "You have any spare canvases, love?"
"Sure," smiling, Hope hurried across the room, where her study desk was. She pulled some brushes and a new set of paints from a drawer, and pulled a canvas, still in it's wrapper, almost as big as hers from behind the desk.
"Where will you put this?"
"I'll go get my easel." In a blink Klaus came into the room with his wooden easel and palette. "Got any ideas about what I should paint?" He asked while setting the easel near Hope's and shrugging his jacket off.
"Hmm, I don't really know. Maybe try nature- oh the village you grew up in. I want to see it through your memory."
"Whatever you wish." Klaus chuckled and they fell in a silent rhythm breaths and brush strokes.
"I checked on mom today." Hope spoke after a while, causing Klaus to halt. "She can hear us I am sure, and she seems healthy enough to wake up at least. Or atleast I think so."
"Your mother was prepared for the worst when she fought Greta. She knew that turning her humanity off would've given her a painless death so she did it. Freya and Vincent have checked on Hayley as well, and the blood has almost healed her, but they can't reach her core, her conscience."
"I think I got a little close to that. This morning, while I was checking, umm...near her heart, it felt like something was there but when I tried to catch it, it slipped away, like sand."
"That might have been her humanity, but as any vampire that has turned their humanity off, her conscience is buried deep into her and walls guard her heart and mind. I'm not sure what will it take to call on her humanity but my guess is she'll wake up when she gets her humanity."
"How do we get her humanity back then?"
"I wish I knew. But I talked with Freya and I need you to put this on." Klaus reached in his pocket with his clean hand, revealing Hope's old bracelet.
"No, I don't need it."
"It's not a request, Hope." Hope sighed.
"Dad, you said it. I'm strong. I can control myself."

"No, you can't, not with this. You're a strong witch but I lived with that darkness for seven years. I know how awful it can be.
When I was in proximity to my siblings, it was almost unbearable, and now you...You're carrying all of it inside you." Truly the magic bothered her, it whispered around her all day and night but she would never tell her father that. He'd go mad with worry.

"Okay. If, um... if I put that on, do you promise to stop worrying?"
"I'm your father. I'm always gonna worry." Hope huffed, liking the protectiveness.
"Okay." The moment she fastened the bracelet, the whispers stopped.
"There. Feel better? Or were you planning on hovering over me until the end of time?"
"Well, the end of time is a bit extreme." Klaus rolled his eyes, earning a wholesome, cheery laugh from his daughter.
Hope rose on her toes and gave Klaus a kiss.
"Thanks, Dad."

The whispers had grown more and more haunting and the bracelet wasn't helping. So she'd been trying all day to find a new protecting spell and had hoped that maybe she'd find solace in her mother's room. 
"What are you doing here? Get out! You don't deserve to be here."
"Hope please."
"What? Here to finish the job?"
"My memory was gone. I didn't know who she was." Elijah tried to defend himself yet Hope was beyond listening.
"Well, now you do. How does it feel?" Hope imitated claws with her hand and dragged the across the air. A line of blood appeared in Elijah's white button-up.

"Like the worst pain I've ever felt."
"I hate you." Hope cried. Another drag. "I hate me, too. You let her to die." More blood.

"Hope." Klaus stormed in. Elijah was in the ground kneeled, his white shirt now crimson, in the other side of the room from Hayley's bed, where Hope had thrown him. Except from an upside down armchair everything was in place. "Hope, calm down sweetheart." He strode towards Hope pulling her from her shoulders towards him. Blue light flickered in her eyes. "Elijah, please." Klaus spoke without letting go of his daughter never breaking eye contact. Without a sound Elijah whooshed away. 

"What was that? You won't take my help, you reject the bracelet, you're throwing Elijah around."
"It stopped the voices."

"Ever since I took the power back, the whispers...I can't think, I can't sleep, I can't even breathe. I came here, thinking I could find some peace. Maybe use my powers on mom. But right now, it's silent. Is this the rest of my life? A rage that can only be quieted by violence?"
"Hope, if violence is what you need to feel better, then you have the perfect father."

[The next chapter starts with Hope being a werewolf. Well just before she changes. I'm not sure I'll include her transformation or only the aftermath of it.]

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now