Part 16

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The bayou looks lovelier than ever. There are long tables filled with food and all sorts of drinks. Lights are put over the branches of trees filling the place with light. The wolves are celebrating the fact that their much dear alpha was found alive. They don't know that she was bound though. Hope and Freya sit near Lisina in the top of the table. Wolves Hope has grown up with and several nameless ones, young and old come up to Hope, take her hand, tell her courageous words, that her mother will wake up and everything will be fine. Some hug her, some give her shoulders a little squeeze, reassuring her that they will be by her side and their alpha's side.
Hope both likes and loathes the attention. Their words do little to soothe the pain inside her. She knows, they speak like this because they have no idea of Hayley's true condition.
They don't know that their Alpha is now a vampire without emotions. After dinner Hope pulled her aunt away in a secluded corner.
"I know how much that you've lost over all these years trying to get our family back together. And...I know that you think that there's nothing else that we can do. But I believe that there is. There has to be. We have to save each other. We have to save always and forever.
You've taught me most of what I know about magic, and...if you're up for it, I'd really like your help figuring it out." Freya simply squeezed her hand.
"Anything you need." Her support wrapped around Hope like a blanket of comfort. It felt nice, she didn't feel so much alone.


"People will forget the things you said, forget the things you did, but no one ever forgets the way you made them feel. Hayley Marshall... made me feel like I was part of a family. And when the realities of this life became too much to bear, we shouldered them together. We laughed, we cried. When I failed, she lifted me up. And when I succeeded, she danced by my side. And she did that for all of us.
Now she needs our help and our care and our love. And I promise I will do everything and beyond in my power to make sure that she will be inbetween us very soon." Hope gave a little smile and slid her gaze towards the wolves that stood in front of her and her aunt. In the front row stood Marcel beaming at her, Josh, Vincent and Keelin.
Absently Hope felt someone take her hand. Turning around she found herself right in front of her father.
"What are you doing? You can't be here." Both hoping that he would stay with her and leave.
"Yes, I can. Just for a moment. Our family has infinite struggles ahead, but right now, I need to be here... with my daughter." Hope's eyes turned glassy with unshed tears. "Things are probably gonna get ugly. Let's pack it in, everyone. Take shelter." Lisina ordered.

"I'll always be here for you. Even if I can't truly be by your side, holding your hand, I'll call and I'll write, more than I did. And Freya will allow us some time together with her magic. And I'll be more attentive with your school. But you have to know, this is the last time we can do this. Come here, sweetheart." Klaus pulled his daughter in a warm embrace, hoping that it would last forever, hoping that he could take his daughter and put her deep in his heart.
"I'm gonna fix this for us." Hope promised.
"I hope that you do." A thunder cracked in the water and its surface was engulfed with fire.
"We shouldn't let the fire reach land. You should go."
"Just one more minute. I love you."
"I love you, too."

But when Klaus was about to leave someone ambushed him. He woke up in New Orleans, in the Compound with Elijah nonetheless.
A chambre de chasse.
"It's no use." The man with his brother's face spoke. "We're trapped."
[A/N I will not be going in detail about the Originals in the Chambre de chasse. The only difference is that Klaus will find his key, not in Hayley's letters for him (because they kept in contact) but in journals Hayley wrote over the years about Hope, all the details and events whether it was about school or at the Bayou, in vivid detail, in hopes that Klaus would return to them one day and he could have the journals to see all he'd missed out. The next chapter starts after Hope has the Hollow inside her, ep 09]

My littlest wolf; A Klope fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora