21. aftermath

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"i knew she was going to steal my rainbow"

Elena sat in an empty chair in the corner of Miguel's hospital room, she stared at his lifeless body with empty eyes

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Elena sat in an empty chair in the corner of Miguel's hospital room, she stared at his lifeless body with empty eyes. She chewed on her nail while clutching onto the minion plushie that sat in her lap.

Since the fight, she'd gotten suspended along with being grounded at home which wasn't that bad. Her parents let her come see Miguel regularly, though she only came when she knew Carmen and Rosa weren't there.

She didn't want to see them. She was built up on so much guilt that she knew if she talked about it, she'd cry. And she was sick and tired of crying but that's all she had left too do.

Elena got up from her chair, hesitantly going over to the hospital bed, she set Bob Diaz down beside Miguel while she sat on the edge. Her hand gently interlocking his fingers with hers, she squeezed his hand.

Laughing at herself as she waited for him to squeeze it back like he usually did but he didn't squeeze back. She stared at his face with a tired expression on her own.

"I'm so sorry.. Miguel, please wake up, I won't even be mad at you, just wake up. I need my rainbow.. please don't make more rain." She wanted to dig herself into his arms, she wanted to kiss his face.

But there was so many wires, and a headset around his head that was supposed to stabilize him. "Miguel, it's been two weeks, please." She croaked, fighting back tears she took a deep breath.

"Miguel Diaz, if you don't wake up this instant I will kill you!" She didn't notice Carmen standing at the doorway as tears filled her eyes, "Jesus, I'm sorry I did this to you. I should have just kept my mouth shut."

Elena dropped her head into her hands when a gently hand suddenly patted her shoulder. "Lena, sweetheart." Elena flinched as Carmen stood in front of her, Elena jumped up.

"I'm sorry. I'll go." Carmen gently pulled Elena back, making her sit in the hospital chair. "Are you okay?.. Do you want to talk about it?" Carmen sat down beside Elena, gently rubbing her back.

"I've been avoiding you.. and Yaya.. because I didn't know how to explain myself. How to apologize- he's here because of me." Carmen shook her head gently, "No, he's not sweetheart. You didn't do this to him."

Elena sighed deeply, wiping her face roughly, "But he is.. I could have stopped the fight before it started but I was so- so pissed that I hit Sam. And I kept hitting her- then everything went crazy."

Elena huffed taking a deep breath, "I even hit him.." Her voice trailed off as she looked at over at Miguel, "I could have stopped it so many times b-but I was just so angry. I was hurt I I wanted revenge."

𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 𝖼𝗈𝖻𝗋𝖺 𝗄𝖺𝗂Where stories live. Discover now