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6 years later...........

Raven's POV

"Mercedes stop running around and get ready for school, you'll wake your grandma up, you know she's sick"I say as  I take my pills,the doctor prescribed them for me , because all the money issues and stress are taking their toll on me.

I look at my daughter as she joins me at the dining table,she looks so much like her father she has his saffire blue eyes and chestnut hair,the only thing she got from me is her love to dance,her passion for ballet. This is the worst betrayal I carried her for nine months and out and she popped out looking like him.

"Caleb please help your sister get dressed while I prepare your lunch boxes",I tell Caleb. He has grown so much and is the spitting image of Polly.

He calls me his mom but he also knows about his other mother who is looking after him in heaven. We visit her grave with some flowers every Sunday.

"Okay Mom,and I need new soccer boots, the ones I have are kinda old",he says as he helps Mercedes wear her pants.

"I know sweetie just give mommy a week okay and I'll get you new boots", I say and kiss his forehead. We are really running out on cash. I thought I had it all figured out but raising two kids and taking care of grandmother is really

" I want a kiss too mommy", Merce cries.

" Only after you get ready for school",I say as I pack her ballet shoes,she will be an amazing dancer,she loves to dance and watches eagerly each time I teach her. She's the best in her class.

I walk into my grandmother's room and find her awake and tidying up her bed. "Nana I told you not to work yourself too much", it's been hard in her i know she notices how hard taking care of everything. plus having to depend on your granddaughter for even basic things is such a great thing either "I can handle it I'm not dead yet", she says.

" Okay fine I won't stop you I'm about to take the kids to school, remember if Francis comes around to cause trouble I have the sheriff on speed dial on your phone just call him okay",I say and kiss her forehead. Francis keeps trying to cause trouble for us wanting to take Caleb. I know she knows Polly left the house and some money for him. I've used up most of my money hiring lawyers and traveling courts just fighting for custody of Caleb.

The kids walk in fully dressed in their uniforms and give their great grandma a hug and a kiss,I see as she sneaks candy in their hands. This woman will never listen.

The kids head to the car and I say goodbye one more time to my grandmother.

I walk out and get into my car and drive my kids to school. Mercedes won't stop talking about the dance audition to perform in a musical at the grand theater in London to raise funds for her school. I also heard Ash talk about it. It's being sponsored by Lenduché ,I really don't want her to participate, plus we don't have the money right now.

I drop them off and head to work, in a village the population here is larger than ours. During the day I work in a coffee shop and later at a pub. I only have time to rest when I pick the kids up from school and drop them off.

"Raven always on time", my Boss sarcastically says and rolls his eyes. I'm used to the treatment but there is nothing I can do. My kids need to get to school every morning.

I put on my apron hut and t-shirt and take over at the counter.

"Think about it Raven ,with that body of yours, you'll be able to make three times what you make here", Jane my co-worker says she's been trying to get me to work at the strip club in the next town.

"If the money there is so great why are you still working here?", I ask and continue cleaning the counter tops.

"Because I have student loans",she says and rolls her eyes.

" I can't I have to take care of my kids how in the hell will I juggle three jobs and be a mother at the same time?",

" Your loss",she says and walks away. The offer is tempting honestly but my hands are already full. The day goes by and the number of customers decreases. It's almost time for me to get off work and pick the kids up.

I begin counting the money I got in the tip jar when my phone buzzes. It's a message from the bank letting me know I'm running late on the payment. I feel a splitting headache coming on and look helplessly at the money in my hands which is barely enough. Sometimes I feel like such a failure, I've failed both my kids and my grandmother.

I looked at Jane and her offer began to sound a little tempting.

"That job you spoke about does the offer still stand?", I walk to her and ask. She finishes with a customer and turns to me with a mischievous grin on her face.

" meet me here at 4 PM", she says and I nod in agreement

I'll have to call in sick at my other job. The owner is kind and is understanding of my situation.
I lie and say my grandmother is unwell and he kindly gives me a whole week off. I just ask Ash to help me but already helped me with half the money for the loan I can't keep asking her for more when she also has her mother and siblings to take care of

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