Chapter 7

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Y/n was in class, waiting for it to start. Shido then started staring at them so they stared back.

Shido blinked.

Y/n: I won.

Shido: Wh- I didn't even know we were playing!

Y/n: Too bad. I still won.

They laughed at him.

Y/n: No but seriously, what's wrong?

Shido: (I should watch it unfold, huh?) Are you... Are you going to ask Kurumi out?

Y/n: Tomorrow is the school anniversary so... yeah. Maybe I could ask her.

Shido forced a smile. He was still worried.


Y/n: Kurumi, would you like to go out with me tomorrow?

Kurumi: On a date?

Y/n: Yes. I could show you around the city. What do you say?

She blushed and smiled.

Kurumi: Of course! I'd be delighted.

Y/n: Then let's meet in front of the Tengu station ticket gate at 10:30am.

Kurumi: Sure.


Kotori: Shido, Tohka's mood seems sour.

She just finished eating her lunch as her head was down. She seemed lost in her thoughts.

Shido: Tohka, are you feeling unwell?

She shook her head.

Shido: Are you still hungry?

Shook again.

Shido: Can you tell me what's wrong?

Tohka: I feel like... a void?

Shido thought on it as he patted her head. She relaxed in his touch.

Tohka: Thanks, Shido. I love you.

Shido: *Blushes* *Smiles* I love you too.

Ai: Yo, the lovebirds.

Mai: Flirting again?

Mii: That's so lame.

Shido got startled by their sudden appearance.

Shido: W-What?

Ai: We came here to give you two a gift.

Mai: Since we can't go as a group anyway.

Mii: That's so lame.

They handed them two tickets for the aquarium.

Tohka's mood went back up.

Tohka: Oh! What's that? I want to go!

Shido chuckled, glad she was back to normal.


Y/n and Origami were staring at each other.

Y/n: Why are we having a staring contest?


Y/n: You might be a better opponent than Shido.

Origami:...I've decided.

Y/n: Decided what?

Origami: It's not safe for you to be alone. I'll be waiting for you by the water fountain, in the plaza in front of Tengu Station, at eleven tomorrow.

Y/n: That date request sounds more like an order.

Origami: *Taking a cute pose* Boo, will you go out with me tomorrow?

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