It Has to be Me.

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Toshi woke up from his sleep after Midnight's sleeping gas wore off, he shot up and saw Nezu, Gran Torino and Hound Dog sitting in the room with him, "Haru."

"Haru is being transported here as we speak." Nezu informed. 

"What about the others?" He asked. "They can't defeat him all on their own." Toshi's mind was reeled with thoughts on how to take All For One down, his brain couldn't stop. 

"Haru is safe and she'll be here before you know it. That's all that matters."

Toshi's hero kicked in and he shook his head, "Everyone will be committing suicide if I am not there to help-" He had a thought and he shook his head. The most difficult decision was about to be made and he regretted what he was about to say next, "Send Haru back."

"No, that isn't an option." Nezu refused. 

"You want everyone else to live too, don't you? Send Haru back! She has the only quirk strong enough to defeat him besides me-"

"Haru is carrying your child!" Gran Torinostopped him from talking. "She is pregnant."

Toshi sank down into his seat and stared though them all as if they weren't there. Toshi was going to be a father. This wasn't fair! Why now did he have to recieve this news in the midst of everyone risking their lives? A mix of pure joy and grief washed over him and he shook his head, this was a complicated situation indeed. 

"She has to be protected. We don't even know if her quirk will harm the child-"

"No, it won't." Toshi responded. "Quirks don't have effect on babies within the womb because the quirk is already in the bloodstream..." He told them. "Its only evident to us when they come of age..." 

"Do you really want to take that risk, Toshinori?" Gran Torino asked. 

"Of course not!" His face fell into his hands. "Its...either me or...her."

"What?" Nezu couldn't hear his whispery voice. 

"It's either me or her! Choose!" His fists pounded the table in front of him. 

"Neither, the heroes will-"

"Die, they wil all die if I am not there to help. Haru is not an option now, send me out there or so help me-!"

The three other men looked at each other and considered the option of sending him out. They all looked at him, "If you do this, you could die." Nezu warned. "The people need the symbol of peace. 

"What about my peace?" He asked them. "I would rather die, knowing my soul mate and our child is safe than my ow safety." Toshi swallowed hard. "I love her that much."

The men in the room understood his predicament and let him free, this had to be Toshi's decision. He changed into his All Might from and followed the location that Haru had sent to his phone and he flew towards the mele. 

"Toshi!" He heard Haru's voice  and met eyes with her. 

"Haru!" He was so overjoyed to see her. Hawks stopped an hovered to hand her over to him, "Toshi, I can help. Please let me help."

"No." He told her in a stern voice. "You protect our baby."

Haru looked at him and saw the expression on his face, "What are you doing here, Toshi?" She asked, putting the pieces together. All Might cupped her face and looked into her bright blue eyes that shined like sapphires, "I love you, Haru." He kissed her one last time and looked at Hawks who took her in his arms again, continuing to carry her off to safety. 

"No! No, what are you doing! Stop! TOSHI!" She screamed as she fought Hawks' strong grip upon her. "I can help! Please let me go!" She cried. The shivering creeped up her spine and she started to lose it. Her body lost control and she couldn't move. Hawks had to land on top of a building to wrap his wings around her to keep her warm. 

She came to and pounded on his chest still fighting him to get to All Might. She can't lose him too! "Haru, please!" He took her wrists to keep her from fighting him and met her eyes. "You have to calm down."

"Fuck that!" She shouted. "The only man I will ever love is about to sacrafice himself for Tokyo-"

"For you, Haru. He's doing this for you!"

"I need to do this for him!" she shouted back. "I love him that much!" She growled. "It has to be me."

All Might landed in the middle of the battle and locked eyes with the one nemisis he's had for most of his life, he killed Nana, and he wasn't going to let him kill the only woman he's ever loved. "You wanted me, you have me." He simply said the the faceless man before him. The other heroes rushed to protect All Might but All For One kept them at bay with his forcefield. 

"I actually wanted your beautiful girlfriend. She has something I need."

"You can't have her. You can settle with me."

All For One tilted his head, a bit surprised at his actions. "How sweet, You're willing to put your life on the line for your lady love." 

"I have the onw power you've wanted all of your can have it so long as you leave Haru alone."

The expression All For One gve him was of astonishment, he had his attention now. His quirk in exchange for her?

"No, you can't do this!" Aizawa shouted from behind. 

"We won't let you!" Midnight chimed in. "The world needs All Might!"

"Please, let us take care of this!" Mic told him. 

"You will can't defeat him! It has to be me!" He looked back at his dear friends who so lovingy came to his defense so that he could have the one person that mattered so much to him. 

All For One approached All Might and forced him to his knees, "It's a deal, Toshinori. Your life for hers...Though, after your dead...the temptation might be too great for me to resist."

All Might was seething in anger when he heard that and activated his quirk. Before he could even raise his fists to hit him, a flash of white light could be seen in the corner of his eye. 

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