“I'll get it” She said, and I heard hurried footsteps getting closer to the door before it opened.

“Hey, honey. Found it okay?” She asked, and stepped aside. “Come in”

“Hi and yeah, I did. Found it without a problem.” I smiled while stepping inside.

“Good. Let me introduce you to my parents. My brother isn't here yet. He had to run into the police station last minute, but he will be here soon.” She stated, grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen.

Her mother was near the stove, chopping up lettuce, while her father was standing next to her, smiling down.

That looked so sweet.

“Momma. Daddy. I want you to meet Avery. She is new to town.” Anna declared as she drugged me deeper into the room.

“Hey sweetie” Her mom spoke warmly. “Welcome to our home.”

“Nice to meet you Darling” Says her Dad before he leaned over and whispered to his wife. “I'll finish up, honey. Why don't you go have a chat with the girls?”

“You're too sweet, baby.” Her mother gushed and stood up on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek before handing over the cutting knife. "Come on girls. Living room" Her momma ordered.

I sent a wave to her dad, not wanting to be rude, and did as I was ordered and followed her momma out the kitchen and into the living room.

“Sit.” Her mom sat down on the couch and patted on the empty seats next to her. “Tell me about yourself.”

"Well. My name's Avery, but you know that-” I giggled nervously.

I wonder how much I should actually tell them. I would very much like to become friends with Anna, and I don't want to start our friendship with lies.

“No need to be nervous, Hun. What made you move here? Do you have family here? Oh. Goodness. I'm sorry. My names Helen. I didn't mean to be rude.” She laughed and continued. “Anna doesn't bring friends over often. She don't get along with ladies around here-”

“Momma,” Anna groaned, looking embarrassed.

“What?” Helen demanded. “It's the truth. These young women around this town will use my poor Anna to get to her brother. It's a shame and I can't stand it.” She added with a little growl that I was pretty impressed with.

I didn't really know what to answer to that, so I just said, "I don't even know her brother, no need to worry about that”

“My son's apparently according to most of the young women and older if I'm telling the truth, say he is one of the town's hottest men.” Helen shuttered while she spoke. “They would pretend to be Anna's friend, and once they had gotten close to my son, poof.” She added, throwing her each hand to the side, making it look like an explosion.

I don't want her to think I'd do the same to Anna, so I told Helen the truth about why I moved here.

“I'm sorry you have to deal with that sweetie” I said to Anna before looking back at Helen and continued. “You don't need to worry about that with me because the reason I moved here was because I found my boyfriend and best friend in bed together. They say it was only that one time, but I didn't believe it. The town's people kept making me feel worse about myself. Pity. That's what I would see in their eyes when they looked at me, and I couldn't take it anymore.”

“Oh dear. I'm so sorry. No one deserves that.” Helen whispered while reaching over and took my hand.

“Girl that's horrible. Who's your ex and ex-best friend? I'll look them up on social media, and then I'll leave a nice message” Anna grinned, and that grin notified me the message would in no way be nice.

My Man Series #1- My PolicemanWhere stories live. Discover now