Chapter 26

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Janie is sitting outside Sam and Emily's when Jacob comes over.

"Sam!" Janie yells. "Jacob's here!"

Sam comes outside in some cut off shorts and a sleeveless shirt. "Jacob," he says with a nod.

"Can we talk?" Jacob asks.

"What do you want?" Paul asks as he and the others come out, Leah sits beside Janie and hands her a chocolate bar.

Leah's been attacked to Janie since she found out she was pregnant. Sam has his suspicions as to why but he hasn't verbalized his thoughts.

"I wanted to apologize," Jacob says. "I don't rant back in the pack. I know that I screwed that up. But... I do admit I blew things out of proportions."

"You did," Sam admits. "But I understand. You wanted to protect Bella and then you imprinted on her son."

Jacob smiles as he thinks about Noel. "Yeah..." he smiles sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I wanted to make things right."

Sam grabs Jacob's outstretched hands. "You're fine by me, Jacob. You just defended your own."

Embry and Quill hug Jacob. He chuckles.

"I want to join packs, have one of my own," Jacob says.

"You can have Embry and Quill," Sam says and the two get excited. "And to other new phases."

Jacob nods. "I can accept that. Are you tow okay with that, Embry? Quill?"

"Yeah," they reply together.

"I'm gonna have a house build out near my dad's place, a pack house for my pack," Jacob says. "Would you and your pack want to help?"

"I'm up for it," Paul says and Jared agrees, too.

Jacob and Sam hug and Janie smiles up at Paul. He smiles down at her.

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