Love me

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Ellie's pov

After lots of thinking and arguing me and Lisa decided to escape, we decided to leave the place that's been keeping her hostage and now we think about those moments in a restaurant booth.

It's 3am in the morning and I told Daisy to meet us considering we need a place to stay before we go to Florida

How am I here? Doing this with this insane woman?

I mean moments ago I was upset with her but now I feel close with her.
I'm in the booth and I'm looking down at the French fries Lisa is eating.

"Would you like to order some?" She asks.

"No I'm just having water" I smile and that's when the door to the restaurant opens and Daisy walks in.

"Ellie I missed you" She hugs me.

"It's only been one day." I almost choke on my water.
"One day to long without you!" I pull away and look at Lisa.

She smiles at Daisy.

"Oh, Lisa is with you." Daisy says.

"Yeah we were actually going to ask if we could spend the night, please. It's just that we don't have any place to go." I stumble on my words and she smiles, she kisses my cheek.

"It's alright." She pulls away from me and sits down.
"Well great when can we go?" Lisa asks

"Now would be fine." She puts an arm around me, and now the reasons that Lisa are upset about don't seem so small anymore.

       Maybe Daisy didn't take the hint.

       We get to her house and the first thing Lisa does is make fun of it.

       "I don't have anything in the fridge" she sighs at Lisa.
       "No all you have is mustard and your Daddy's chicken." She rolls her eyes and shuts Daisy's fridge door.

      We get the couch set up and it's a pullout bed. Then daisy gives Lisa money to buy pancakes in the morning.

       "What's this" Lisa mocks Daisy and grabs her wrist as she gives Lisa money.

"None of your business Lisa." She pulls away.

Lisa smiled like one of those sick sociopaths you see in the streets. Or if you've ever put up with family reunions when the people got really drunk.

The danger gleaming in their eyes, the feeling that something is off and something might be unsafe.

Or when you're little and you watch an R rated movie for the first time. It made me feel sick. I just ignored them because I know that Lisa is just jealous.

No, she's not jealous.

She's scared and alone. She has no one other than me and that scares her. She'd probably have more if she wasn't a bitch.

Lisa is the type of person to want to change. She must really want to change. Yet she never does, I tell myself.

I hear them fighting about how daisy's dad is more than just a daddy. I zone out, rage inside of me for Lisa's irrational and childish behavior.

Yet also sympathy for the way she looked when Daisy called her out.

Daisy walks upstairs into her room and I make myself comfy on the bed.

"Pathetic" I hear Lisa mumble.

"would you just shut the fuck up?" I look at Lisa who raises her eyebrows in amusement.

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